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  1. Thank you for your Very detailed response. I have a pretty good background in electronics and some of that I had not known, so useful information to have. The only reason I am in any way hopeful is due to how they behave without the sense circuit hooked up, in other words, complete normal operation. This is one of the reasons I wanted to get a circuit diagram, as at that point I could at least use them as in-line relays with a keypadlic as the controller, which I have an extra of I had planned to use for a later project. I planned ahead when I wired one of the rooms and have a junction box I can use in line with the circuit. Unfortunately that will only save 3 of them as the others are in places I cannot replace. I just do not know how isolated that portion of the circuit is from the rest to feel safe enough to hook them back up. From visual inspection, it does not appear to be linked to the parts that contain power, which would make sense if all the circuit did was detect the 120AC from the sense wire when the switch was used. I might just have to perform some surgery on one of them and see what happens. Doubtful that Insteon\Smarthome would provide a circuit diagram... was hoping someone here had broken the board down in the past. I know the people here are the type to do it just to figure it out. I hate working with boards this small myself, not looking forward to it, but at that cost it is worth some time to at least see if I can repair them. Thank you again for the response though Teken, I do appreciate it. If anyone comes across a circuit diagram on these things or knows something about them, please let me know.
  2. Well. Right about now I am regretting not investing in a whole home Surge Suppressor. That was one of the things on the 'To-Do' list. I have a pretty modest system with about 20 modules total. Five of them happen to be a mixture of Insteon Micro Dimmer's and On\Off modules. I have had the five micro modules since they first came out and have had nothing but trouble with them, having had to get them replaced twice by Smarthome. Unfortunately with the way my Bathrooms are wired I have to use micro's if I want to control everything. Just bought the Z-Wave module to start investigating their relay modules as well. Though that is another issue as one of my bathroom devices is for a 1500 Watt Heater, which the insteon micro on\off can handle, but most Z-Wave seem to be a 10 Amp limit. But that is another issue. Now, to my Actual issue. A few days ago, a day after I bought Z-Wave in fact, we had a small thunderstorm in the area with some power flickering. I did not notice until the next morning that my Micro switches were randomly turning on\off by themselves with no Insteon traffic to explain it. After some investigation I found that all of the Micro Devices I had installed would no longer reliable work on command from the sense wire. Remote Control and reporting from\To the ISY are unaffected. After much frustration and smelling something burning from one of them I got them removed and popped one open. There is a small burn mark on where the Sense wire connects to the board so their was definitely a surge of some sort. Confusing to me here, is that NONE of my other devices appear to have been damaged in any way. So I am assuming it is something to do with the micro module design. So here is my situation as it stands. I have 5 Assorted micro modules that all still respond to remote commands promptly, but where the sense circuit seems to have been damaged. None of the 5 are still under warranty as these were warranty replacements themselves (Not that it most likely would of helped) The sense wire works for a minute or two after power is applied to it, then stops. In the vain hope that I am not out almost $250, would anyone here had something similar happen and been able to repair them? Even a circuit diagram of the Micro Module would be helpful at this point. Considering most of the device is still responding and working normally I am hoping it just fried a MOV or few. Or at least something that is replaceable, but I do not really want to un-soder anything unless I know exactly what it does. Really wish I still had an Oscilloscope. Thoughts? Opinions? Tell me I am in a hopeless situation? All are welcome, well, the first two more than the last.
  3. Got it working. Found the cause as well and was able to reproduce it. When I entered the IDY Location Line I used a 'Tab' to move to the = section to line them up. It appears when it parses the ini that it does not like this. I removed the tab and just used space bar to line the = sign up and it is now working. It is always the smallest thing, Now if I could get Discovery working on my network I would be happy. Think I need to tear it down and test it incrementally as not even Wireshark is giving me what I need.
  4. I did think that the format was odd, but that was what the config format specified in the word doc. I updated it to the correct format with no luck however. Still getting the same error in the same place, no difference in the log file. Location = Any other ideas? Also looking into why UpNp is not working at all on my network.
  5. Dropped back in on this thread and am really excited to see all that is going on. I decided to upgrade to the most recent version of the Bridge to take advantage of the new features and stability. Unfortunately, I have not had much luck getting the Configurator working. I am getting the dreaded "Run-Time error '13': Type Mismatch". Had no luck with any of the UpNp searches, but that does not really bother me as static mappings will work find for me. Windows 10 AWS_Config Version: 2.0.68 Emulator: ha-bridge-0.4.10 ISY: 5.0.2 Emulator is running on a PI. Below is my log file from when it runs. The error happens as soon as it attempts ISY Initialization. Any Ideas on what is going on? AWS Configuration System version: 2.0.68 Started at 10/26/2015 23:04:42 AWS Emulator Configuration System is starting, Debug mode = All ISY DVC ********************************* Copy of the Ini File *********************************** [System] My Browser = C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\application\chrome.exe My Echo = echo.amazon.com/#settings/connected-home show scene folders = true Debug = All ISY DVC 'Emulators = 4, 10 ' first number is the maximum number of emulators to look for, the second the number of seconds to look. [Emulators] [UDI ISY994] ISY Userid = ****** ISY Password = ****** Location = '[Custom Endpoints] 'EndPoint1= [Device Types] Controller = 0 Dimmer = 1 Switch = 2 Network = 3 Irrigation = 4 Climate = 5 Pool = 6 Sensors = 7 Energy = 9 Shades = 14 Access = 15 Security = 16 X10 = 113 ' ' If you have other types of Zwave devices that have an On/off operation they may be added here [Zwave Categories] id=0, name=Uninitialized id=101, name=Unknown id=102, name=Alarm id=103, name=AV Control Point id=104, name=Binary Sensor id=105, name=Class A Motor Control id=106, name=Class B Motor Control id=107, name=Class C Motor Control id=108, name=Controller id=109, name=Dimmer Switch, dim=true id=110, name=Display id=111, name=Door Lock id=112, name=Doorbell id=113, name=Entry Control id=114, name=Gateway id=115, name=Installer Tool id=116, name=Motor Multiposition id=117, name=Climate Sensor id=118, name=Multilevel Sensor id=119, name=Multilevel Switch id=120, name=On/Off Power Strip id=121, name=On/Off Power Switch id=122, name=On/Off Scene Switch id=123, name=Open/Close Valve id=124, name=PC Controller id=125, name=Remote id=126, name=Remote Control id=127, name=AV Remote Control id=128, name=Simple Remote Control id=129, name=Repeater id=130, name=Residential HRV id=131, name=Satellite Receiver id=132, name=Satellite Receiver id=133, name=Scene Controller id=134, name=Scene Switch id=135, name=Security Panel id=136, name=Set-Top Box id=137, name=Siren id=138, name=Smoke Alarm id=139, name=Subsystem Controller id=140, name=Thermostat id=141, name=Toggle id=142, name=Television id=143, name=Energy Meter id=144, name=Pulse Meter id=145, name=Water Meter id=146, name=Gas Meter id=147, name=Binary Switch id=148, name=Binary Alarm id=149, name=Aux Alarm id=150, name=CO2 Alarm id=151, name=CO Alarm id=152, name=Freeze Alarm id=153, name=Glass Break Alarm id=154, name=Heat Alarm id=155, name=Motion Sensor id=156, name=Smoke Alarm id=157, name=Tamper Alarm id=158, name=Tilt Alarm id=159, name=Water Alarm id=160, name=Door/Window Alarm id=161, name=Test Alarm id=162, name=Low Battery Alarm id=163, name=CO End Of Life Alarm id=164, name=Malfunction Alarm id=165, name=Heartbeat id=166, name=Overheat Alarm id=167, name=Rapid Temp Rise Alarm id=168, name=Underheat Alarm id=169, name=Leak Detected Alarm id=170, name=Level Drop Alarm id=171, name=Replace Filter Alarm id=172, name=Intrusion Alarm id=173, name=Tamper Code Alarm id=174, name=Hardware Failure Alarm id=175, name=Software Failure Alarm id=176, name=Contact Police Alarm id=177, name=Contact Fire Alarm id=178, name=Contact Medical Alarm id=179, name=Wakeup Alarm id=180, name=Timer id=181, name=Power Management id=182, name=Appliance id=183, name=Home Health id=184, name=Barrier ********************************** End of the Ini File *********************************** PnP The uPnP search was unable to find a UDI ISY device. Please Check Connections PnP Using Declared Emulator at address, Name=Bridge1 PnP System located 1 Emulator at adress **************************************************************************************************** HUE Initialization Process Beginning, time now is 23:04:57 HUE Getting list of devices from HUE Bridge1 at DBG SendToHUE has started, Bridge: Bridge1, message size=78, time=23:04:57 DBG Message sent=GET /api/devices HTTP/1.1(CR)(LF)Host: Keep-Alive(CR)(LF)(CR)(LF) HUE socket connected HUE Socket SendProgress Fired: ***** Bytes Sent=78; Data Sent=, socket state=7 (Connected) HUE Socket SendComplete Fired, socket state=7 (Connected) HUE Data Arrival, byte count=123, socket state=7 (Connected) HUE Data Arrival, byte count=7, socket state=7 (Connected) DBG SendToHueBridge: HUE data Received, Socket Closed ****************************************************************************************************** ISY Initialization Process Beginning, time now is 23:04:59
  6. Yeah, had not used the delete function before. That might be your issue right there with the URL. A lot of URL'S do not handle spaces well. Plus, do you have Security on your ISY? Here is an example from my setup with the User\Pass reset to default. Notice the %20 in every space. http://admin:admin@ Here it is without the Security.
  7. Post the Full URL's you are using to control the devices. As for your second question, supposedly by the configuration page, which I have yet to get to work..
  8. The IP it is asking for is the UPNP Listening address. In Other words, the static address of the machine that you are running the Emulator on.
  9. Glad you got it working. Been enjoying it myself, just wish the interface was easier to use with the Emulator. But beggars cannot be choosers and all that. Just glad it is finally living up to what I initially saw the Echo doing. So much more user friendly than pretty must all of the other solutions. Looking forward to seeing where it is going to go from here.
  10. Do you see any UPNP Discovery messages on the console? I went through 4 differed OS Installs, VM and Physical, before I got one to receive the UPNP Messages.
  11. Mine had been running for about 24 hours now with no issue. I will have to keep an eye on it. Should be Pretty obvious if it stops as the console has some heavy UPNP traffic back and forth constantly. Worse case, I just have the app restart nightly. Not a big deal for what it brings.
  12. Hello all, Wanted to chime in here. Had my ISY for about 6 months now and am loving it. One step closer to chucking the Hub off my network and out the window. I have had the Echo for since February, got lucky signing up relatively early, and have really enjoyed using it. Especially the effortless Voice Recognition. Once of the biggest pain points on my control has always been voice. Years ago, I had HAL 2000 but I stopped upgrading it due to issue and now it would cost way to much to get the newest version. Tried Powerhome and MRHouse, but always had reliability issues. I finally ended up about 8 months ago getting CastleOS which uses the Kinect. Had a spare lying around so I could try it out. Until I got the Echo I was impressed with how well it worked to control devices. Just a few serious drawbacks, a Requirement to work with the Insteon Hub and no integration with the ISY. The ISY and the Hub do not play well together by the way... I had hoped for the Echo to take over with their connected home, but that fell short. I had no desire to replace everything with Wemo and Hue devices. Too limited. Then I stumbled across this topic a few weeks ago, again no hope as all we had were hacks to work around the echo and just make it harder to use. Now However, I saw the Java App Hue Emulator. Besides some serious issues getting it setup initially, the ISY is responding as soon as I finish speaking. A serious improvement and a very welcome one. Now if only it supported Dimming. It looks like the developer of the bridge is working on it, but that is for Hue devices. Makes me wish I knew Java.... Making a separate fork of that app for ISY specifically work be wonderful. Just thinking about being able to pull a Node map from the ISY and parsing it out, then auto creating the needed emulations for the Echo. I know some other languages, but nowhere near enough to do that and interact with the echo. Anyway, overall, I am glad I had friends order me another two Echo's at the special price. Was going to sell them, but I think I will keep them at this rate of improvement. To touch on the connection issues others have had, and me as well. I had to try this on 4 separate machines as 3 of them would not even recognize the UPNP Discovery messages from the Echo. Still troubleshooting that. However the one I got it working on, will not let me connect to the config page, just give me an error page for the Spring Boot app, which is used within the Java Hue Emulator.. I ended up using an application called "*I'm Only Resting" to directly post the devices to the Emulator Device tree. Seems to work, even if it is awkward. Anyway, after that long winded post, I hope others are having similar success as it is very much worth the effort to do. Hopefully someone who knows more about programming than me can take this up in the future and make it more tightly integrated with the ISY. Then I can finally chuck the Hub...
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