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  1. I'm thinking on buying MobiLinc but not sure which version. X, HD, Pro, etc... Any words of wisdom? Thanks
  2. I have an old (2016) ISY994i and a Smarthome 2413S PLM. Is there anything I need to do such as update the firmware to start using it again? Also what programs are some of the favorites and why.... Thank you all for helping those of us who's Hub is dead getting us back interfacing with our Insteon Switches.
  3. Does anyone have any experience with MobiLinc using an ISY series Controller? If so which would you recomend, MobiLinc X or Mobilinc HD? Thanks
  4. 1) Does anyone know if the new UD Polisy can use the PLM from Simplehomenet? Its labeled Model 5010N and has a USB cable connected to it. 2) Also noticed there is a guy on Ebay that will repair your PLM if you have a broken one. 3) Might be worth it for some "Smart Guy" to figure out how to redirect our Inseon Hubs and write an interface to get thousands of us back up and running. UD? Just my random thoughts....
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