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    : Northern California
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    IBEW Local 551 Foreman

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  1. IMO, if you are committed to running HA as a permanent part of your smart home, get a cheap mini pc and run HAOS supervised. Cheap, easy to manage and reliable.
  2. Same experience here. Wireless tags not that reliable and battery life just OK. Yolink is the way. There is a polyglot plugin and HA integration, dead reliable and battery life is amazing. As far as mounting the probe, above ground hot tubs generally have a hose bib for drainage, I extended mine with a few brass nipples and a T. Off the T, I bushed down to a 1/4" compression fitting. Use a nylon ferrule, the probe is close enough to 1/4", and you'll have the probe in the water and the whole thing can be concealed inside the skirting.
  3. I originally ran my HA in a docker (they call it something else now) container on Synology. I don't remember it being to difficult to install, but that was long ago.
  4. 1) Add eISY devices to home assistant through the UDI integration. 2) Install Homekit bridge in home assistant. Expose devices desired for control. 3) Use Siri for voice control. Note: As an additional benefit, if you have added a garage door opener, this will be exposed via Carplay automatically when within about 2 miles of your home!
  5. I am using the same as the control mechanism. I use a custom mushroom template card in home assistant as the control interface.
  6. Yes, but I was able to access AC locally. After a post rollback reboot, I appear to be good. It's only been 24 hours, but so far so good. Try one click on the front button for firmware upgrade (downgrade at this point). Perhaps the Polisy will roll back to 5.8.4?.
  7. That's probably how it went down, I left out of town on Friday evening and just got back to it today.
  8. There is only a "multifunction button" accessible through a tiny hole with a toothpick or paperclip. It doesn't seem to have exactly the same functionality as the Eisy. I did submit a ticket and was advised to reboot again. I had already done this twice at least and physically removed power from the PLM and the Polisy. It's conceivable an update was pushed in the background, I'll give it some time and see if this resolves the issue.
  9. I'm having the same issue on Polisy. I was going to try this solution, but Polisy has no red power button.
  10. All good here. If I remember correctly, the portal at slot 1 was deprecated. I remember removing it, but cannot remember the procedure.
  11. Through the use of the UDI ISY integration, homeassistant can control all of ISY on any UDI device. ISY cannot easily control functions of homeassistant however. There are convoluted work arounds, but you'll generally want to avoid this. I use some scene helpers in ISY to sync scene status, but it is a kluge. Also, while homeassistant can command all aspects of ISY programs, but, due to the one-way nature of the communication, it will not be aware of their true/false state or if they are enabled or not. I am currently using homeassistant as an informational/control interface on a wall mounted dashboard and mobile dashboard to great effect. 99% of my conditional logic runs on Polisy however. I have attached a screen shot of my wall dashboard as rendered on a computer monitor. It would appear slightly different on the wall tablet as it is customized for that interface, some header elements to the right size are not visible there.
  12. Any idea how to structure this hint in the editor? In appears to be prompting something like an IPv4 address structure? I have a basic familiarity with homeassistant YAML. This may be too advanced for me.
  13. The value shown in Mobilinc Pro for the YoLink Outdoor Motion sensors and contact sensors is "1 idx". This does not appear to change regardless of state of the device. The state is shown correctly in the admin console, and can be used as such in programs. This is perhaps not an issue with the nodeserver at all. Any ideas?
  14. This must be on MacOS. I suffer the same, an improvement here would be nice.
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