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Everything posted by IVB

  1. IVB

    New Dot

    Clearly time for another animated gif
  2. IVB

    New Dot

    Giomania once his partner (wife/husband/whatever) finds out he ordered 6 Dots by opening the UPS package before he gets home
  3. IVB

    New Dot

    I'm not looking for amazing, I'm looking for" not awful and I can hear her from across the room ". Less than 2 minutes ago my wife asked the dot to do something, and the lack of any type of bass meant she struggled to hear it from 8 feet away despite volume at 60%. The echoes, with a better speaker, don't need to be cranked as loud to hear. In our opinion anyway.
  4. IVB

    New Dot

    The price point is awesome, but I wonder if they improved the sound quality at all. I have 1 Dot and 4 Echoes. Had a 2nd dot but its just so damn tinny it hurts my ears, so I gave it away. IMO the echoes sound a lot less battlestar-galatica'esque. Sure, the Echo is far bigger, and has no audio output, but I have in-ceiling speakers and a Sonos Connect hooked into them so I just have it start a Spotify playlist on those. I have the one dot velcro'ed onto the wall like the other posters, about 9" from the corner, works fine. I am happy more people will be getting these, using it to startup HA stuff has gotten us seriously lazy. I barely use a phone UI anymore, I just ask Alexa and she responds with the answer.
  5. (Larrylix learned a long time ago that you can't take anything I say too seriously.) Put this up on reddit just now ( https://www.reddit.com/r/homeautomation/comments/52ewme/i_am_really_digging_this_isy_controller/)
  6. I looked in the Wiki here which I think is the right place , but I can't find a listing of what the various icons mean in the Program section. I see that the red circle means disabled, but not sure what the difference between green on left side and not green is.
  7. Given that the poll originated on reddit, I think its absolutely nothing of value other than "what do redditors and those on forums who've reposted it use". I didn't bother posting on the CQC forums because frankly there is ZERO chance redditors will use CQC. They're up in arms about HomeSeer sale price being $125, they think SmartThings is the next coming of Christ. They're okay with programming in C# or configuring YAML files and having 90% reliability. If I told my wife that 1 in time times the automated rule or doohickey wouldn't work, her immediate response would be "i guess we can't assume it'll work, so we shouldn't rely on it". In which case, why did I even bother making an automated rule or doohickey.
  8. this is the root thread for this month: https://www.reddit.com/r/homeautomation/comments/50qpkq/a_little_late_but_ha_demographics_and_usage_poll/
  9. isn't that the link to the reddit monthly poll? /r/homeautomation . Happens every month. Reddit is full of folks who think paid software is inherently evil, hence the popularity of the freeware.
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