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Everything posted by born2dive

  1. I have created a few log files on the ISY that are populated when certain events happen. All files are formatted as CSV and are accessible using a browser from the ISY web server. I can manually copy the files to my local machine from the ISY. I am trying to find out if there is a way to automate that copy so it happens on it's own at the set interval, say daily or hourly. Is that possible? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Is there a way to enable and disable ISY devices, remotely while I am away, using a program? Reading through the forum, I guess one way is to use variable and use it as a proxy for the device but that does not really disable the device. Any thoughts or examples would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. That did it! Thank You!
  4. Hi, I am a Mac user and have been for a very long time. I don't own any Windows machines. So I am not a Windows expert. I recently installed Windows 10 (using BootCamp) on my Mac so I can run 1 programs that is only available for Windows and I need it for work. I installed the ISY Admin Console and it placed an icon on my desktop. The problem is that when I launch the console, the text is tiny and basically unusable. I have a high DPI Apple display. Everything else e.g. the program I needed, firefox, etc, looks fine. It's just the admin console that seems to have the problem. Any ideas how to fix? I can always continue to just use the console on the Mac side so this is not a huge deal but would be nice to get sorted out. Thanks.
  5. I have an August lock that is connected to my ISY on a Z Wave network. If I right-click on the lock on the admin console, choose Z-Wave, then Set Configuration Parameters, I get the attached pop-up. Anyone knows what those mean? Thanks.
  6. Thank you both for your ideas. Will try both options.
  7. Is there a way to generate a report that shows a list of programs that use a specific scene or device on the ISY? Thanks.
  8. I have read quite a few posts related to this topic but nothing that really answered my question. So I am hoping someone may have the answer. My pool is controlled by a Pentair EasyTouch. Based on what I read, it seems that the best way to integrate my pool control into my ISY is using the Autelis controller (I just ordered one). How do I actually add the Autelis to the ISY? Is it discovered like a device? Is there a step-by-step somewhere? Thanks.
  9. Thanks. This was helpful. I finally figured it out. I was setting my folder condition based on an integer variable which was not triggering the status change properly. I changed it to a state variable and now it's working as expected. Thanks again.
  10. Where can I find a listing of all the admin console icons and there meaning? Specifically, if I have a folder with a folder condition set, I see a red bar on the folder icon. Is it always supposed to be red or will it turn green or some other color when the condition is met? Mine is always red even when the condition is met. Thanks.
  11. Here is my use case: Liquor cabinet that is equipped with a open/close sensor Cam plugged and pointed toward that cabinet When the cabinet is opened, I'd like the cam to take a picture and email it to me I use the ISY portal and network module I have a Nest Cam if that works, otherwise I can buy another cam that can do the trick. I know the Nest Cam has a motion sensor and can detect events. I want it to only trigger and email when the cabinet door is open. I tried playing with IFTTT with the ISY and was not able to get it to do what I want. Thoughts/Ideas? Thanks.
  12. It's working now...HTTPS vs HTTP! Thanks.
  13. I would like some help as I still cannot get it to work. So I signed up for pushover. paid for the full license. I registered and linked my iPhone and I can see it in my devices on pushover.net. I can push a test message from my account in pushover.net and I get the message on the iPhone. I have a user key. I created an application in Pushover and have its key as well. I setup the network resource in ISY, screenshot attached. I wrote a small program to test that it works. It doesn't! What am I missing? Thanks.
  14. thank you both...down to 2! will take a look at both and pick one. Will be nice to lose the SMS notifications either way.
  15. I am trying to decide which platform to use. I am using iOS so I am down to 3 choices: Prowl Pushover Pushsafer Any advice on which to use or best practice to setup push notifications? Thanks.
  16. OK, I just tried to setup the node server on the portal and it says ISY version 5.0.9 is required. Mine is at 4.6.2. I am not presented with the upgrade option in the admin console as it is displayed usually. Do I need to perform a manual upgrade? I tried to upgrade using the portal and 5.0.9 is not even displayed as an option. It says 4.6.2 is the current version. Screenshots attached. Please advise. Thanks.
  17. Thanks Michel. I think this may work. All I need is to be able to set a state variable based on the geofence. I think I can do that using the instructions in the link above, right?
  18. Can I have both? I have been using the ISY portal and like it. I use it for remote login, Amazon Echo integration, etc. I use Mobilinc as my mobile solution and wondering if I can add their cloud service without interfering with the ISY portal. I specifically want the ability to use geofencing and push notification (vs sending SMS messages like the ISY does). Any other suggestion for geofencing solutions that work well with the ISY? Thanks.
  19. Paul, Thanks for the info. Very helpful. Ultimately it ended up being a bad sensor. I bought 4 and the other 3 are working fine. I just happened to start with the faulty one. Good info regarding the 24 hours program to check for battery. So basically something like this: If time is 12:00 AM and Hearbeat is "on" then "Nothing" Else Wait 24 hours Send message Thanks again for the info?
  20. Hello, I am trying to setup an Open/Close sensor (2843-222) to work with ISY. I was able to link it (I think?) to the ISY. I followed the directions to link a sensor and ended up with 3 new entries in my ISY: Open, Close, Heartbeat. All 3 devices have yellow arrows next to them in the admin console which I have not seen before and I am not sure what it means (screenshot attached). When I move the magnet away from the main sensor, nothing happens. The status of all 3 devices remains set to "On". What is the "Heartbeat" device used for? How do I get/use the sensor's status from the ISY? I looked around the forum and could not find an answer. Thanks.
  21. Pretty basic question: is there a way to remotely control a light switch from a key on an 8-button keypad besides creating a scene and making the key the controller? Is it possible to control the switch directly without a scene? Thanks.
  22. I am looking for suggestions or best practices to create a random lighting program that give the house an "occupied" look while we are away. I am experimenting with the "wait/random" options but was wondering what others have done. Thanks.
  23. Just confirming, I followed the suggested solution and it worked just fine (ISY detected double tap) using on/off switches.
  24. Perfect! Thank you!
  25. I realize this is a basic question but I was not able to find the answer. I have 3 patio lights, each controlled by an Insteon on/off switch (not dimmer) and they operate fine individually. I have setup a scene that include all 3 that allows me to turn on all the lights in the backyard at once. The scene works fine from the ISY admin console or from Mobilinc. I'd like to be able to turn the scene (all 3 lights) on from the any of the switches using a double tap so I can keep the flexibility to turn them on individually or all together. Can I trigger the scene using a double tap? How? Can I also turn off the scene using a double tap? I assume that the 3 lights should be setup as responders. Is that right? Thanks.
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