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Everything posted by timekiller

  1. Yes I did
  2. Hi all, I have an ISY that has been, for the most part, rock solid for the better part of 10 years. about 5 years back my PLM died and I replaced it, I also bought a backup PLM just in case. I have everything setup the way I want and rarely log into isyadmin. Last week my automations stopped working, so I opened up the admin console and got a message that the system was in safe mode. Having seen this issue before I took a backup of the system, powered it down, and replaced the PLM. After it started back up I did File>Restore Modem and after about a half an hour (and several "unable to communicate with..." errors) it was done. I tested several devices by turning them on/off through the admin console and everything mostly worked. There was 1 device I had to manually relink, but then it was working fine. Testing automations worked as well. Well, fast forward 2-3 days and no automations are working again. I open the admin console and I am getting the Safe Mode error again. I have tried restarting the isy several times and the error has not gone away. I also noticed when I switch to the Programs tab I get the errors: "Subscriber didn't reply to event: 1 [26]" "Request Failed" Is my isy shot?
  3. Found the answer. I deleted a folder and was able to create exactly 1 scene. I have clearly hit the 255 node limit. Upgrading to Pro now!
  4. Hello! I got a new fanlinc and 6 button keypad installed tonight. When setting up the scenes in the admin console I got scenes for fan off, low, and medium done, but when I tried to create a scene for fan high, I got an error. Now I can't create ANY scenes. Each time I try I either get "Request Failed", or "Could not open file [CONF/ELKXPRT.XML]" Figuring I have a corrupted file I tried backing up my config and restoring it, but that didn't fix anything. I have also tried rebooting the ISY several times. When this issue came up I was running firmware 5.0.8, but I have upgraded to 5.0.13D in an attempt to fix the issue. It's probably worth mentioning I have about 50 Insteon devices. I know many of my devices count as multiple nodes, add to that the nodes created by various node servers and I'm concerned I may have hit the 255 node limit of the ISY. Is there a way to confirm this?
  5. I see in the isy portal that you can use state variables as on/off devices and set them to a value. What I am looking for is a way to ask google what a value is. I want to start setting a variable for my pool temperature and want to be able to ask google what that temp is. Any thoughts on this?
  6. I use OpenVPN Connect (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.openvpn.openvpn) to connect to my openvpn server (running on my router). I'm a software engineer with a strong unix systems administration background, so I had no problem setting this up. But YMMV.
  7. Speak for yourself With only 1 inbound port listening (my VPN), my house has very little to attack. I know how secure my home network is. And while I'm sure Universal Devices cares about security, I can't know how secure their portal is. And I keep the systems I can't control to a minimum when it comes to accessing my network. Yes, the Google Home relies on the cloud, but that is for speech recognition, and it's unavoidable. I just don't want to open up a possible attack vector by making it in *any* way possible to reach my security system from a device I have no control over.
  8. Michel, Thank you for the explanation. If I'm understanding you correctly, the only reason I am able to use the Hue bridge with no SSL and no authentication is because Google made a special exception for them? If that is the case, that's pretty disappointing (but not surprising). Sorry for the rant, I was just really looking forward to having native support for the ISY and got really bummed when I saw that it requires the portal. I guess I'm stuck with my hack then :\ (For the record, the hack works great, it just requires that the pi be available at all times)
  9. I have to say, I'm happy you worked on making the ISY work with the Google Home, but I'm very, VERY disappointed you tied it to the ISY portal. I don't understand why I should have to pay a subscription fee for this to work. Additionally, I am extremely uncomfortable allowing any kind of access to my home automation from the outside world. ESPECIALLY when it can disable my alarm system (Elk M1Gold). I understand the portal does not require an open port on my firewall, but your site, https://my.isy.io becomes a single target for hackers to potentially access hundreds (thousands?) of home devices. I would much rather have seen you make this work the way the Hue Bridge works, where the Home finds the device on the local network and talks to it locally. In fact, there is a github project that emulates the Phillips Hue Bridge and allows you to control a number of different device types (Including the ISY): https://github.com/bwssytems/ha-bridge With that project I am able to import my devices from the ISY, then add a "Phillips Hue" device in the Home app. The app takes me to the Phillips Hue portal site where it instantly finds my local device (a raspberry pi running the hue emulator) - no login required. The Google Home then queries the device and adds the devices it finds (which are the devices from my ISY). No subscription, no portal or proxy, no port forwarding. No cost, and no security concerns. This is what I wanted you to make work. I really really wish I could still be excited about Universal Devices being supported by the Home, but the way you have implemented it means I am going to have to continue using my Hue emulator hack.
  10. It's working! I see my mistake now. Thank you so much everyone!
  11. Thanks for the help, but this still isn't working. I have a test scene (Test Dimmer Rule) which I have made the Switch (using game room to test) a controller for: Then I have a program to set the On Level (using current times to see the change): Dimmer Test - [ID 0004][Parent 0001] If From 10:38:00AM To 11:30:00AM (same day) Then In Scene 'Downstairs / Test Dimmer Rule' Set 'Downstairs / Game Room Dimmer' 25% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Downstairs / Test Dimmer Rule' Set 'Downstairs / Game Room Dimmer' 100% (On Level) Finally, I can confirm the scene is modified when I look at it: But when I use the switch locally, "on" puts the light to 100%. If I use the Admin Console to turn the SCENE on, it works (sets the light to 25%). If I use the Admin Console to turn on the "Game Room Dimmer" device, it goes to 100%. Interestingly, I just noticed if I look at my mobile app (MobiLinc Pro) When I turn on either the device or the scene the app shows the scene as "on". Not sure what else to try here...
  12. I have the Dimmer setup as a regular switch, directly controlling a light. Is there a way to change this to control a scene (without rewiring)?
  13. I've seen this idea all over, but just can't seem to figure this out. What I want: After "bed time", say 10pm, the bathroom dimmers should not go above a certain brightness, say 25%. I found this post: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/16600-setting-on-level-with-scene-based-on-time-of-day/ and tried to duplicate what they are talking about with this program: Dimmer Test - [ID 0005][Parent 0001] If From 10:00:00PM To 6:30:00AM (next day) Then In Scene 'Bathroom Dimmer Scene' Set 'Upstairs / Bathroom Dimmer' 25% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Bathroom Dimmer Scene' Set 'Upstairs / Bathroom Dimmer' 100% (On Level) I created the Bathroom Dimmer Scene just for this test. Normally there is no scene for this device. Problem is, this only works if I turn on the "Bathroom Dimmer Scene" from the admin console. If I turn the switch on locally it goes to 100% (because it's not using the scene). So, can I either set the local on level (without a scene), or make the switch use the "Bathroom Dimmer Scene" when I hit the on button? I feel like this is harder than it should be, I must be missing something.
  14. Just curious- I can control scenes in a "then" section of a program, but I can't use them for conditionals in the "If" section. Is this expected? If so, why? I'd like to run a program based on the current state of a scene, but can't seem to
  15. I didn't want a race condition where amd turning it on and the sensor does not register the PC on yet and it shuts the whole thing down.
  16. Thanks for the advice, I came up with something different. Here it is: Configured the grarage opener and keypad just like it was an actual garage door, as instructed here: http://homeautomationguru.com/insteon-enabled-your-garage-doors/ Except, obviously the relay is the PC power button and the sensor is hooked to a relay on a power molex in the PC (sensor is "off" when PC is off) Then I made 2 programs: Program 1 "PC Power ON" ----- If Status Arcade Outlet is Off and Status Keypad button ON then Set Arcade Outlet ON Set garage relay 3 (Beep Duration) ------ This detects the state change of the keypad button and turns the outlet on, then holds the PC power button for 3 seconds (long enough for power to get to the PC and power it up) Program 2 "PC Power OFF" ----- If Status Arcade Outlet is ON and Status Keypad button is OFF and Status garage sensor is OFF then Set Arcade Outlet OFF ----- This detects that the PC is off (sensor), the keypad is off, and the outlet is on and simply turns the outlet off. That's it. All my criteria are met here. The Keypad button basically acts like a PC power light. If the PC is on, the button is lit. If the PC is off, the button is not lit. Pushing the button powers everything up and safely shuts everything down. I like it If anyone is interested, this is the arcade I built: http://imgur.com/a/eOurd It emulates all classic arcade games, NES, SNES, N64, Sega Master System, Sega Genesis, Playstation, Laser Disc Games, Wii and a few others. There is also a Wii-U and PS3 console in the control panel.
  17. Ok, so here is the situation- I built an arcade that uses a PC to run various emulators. I have a 6 button keypad and I want to use one of the buttons to SAFELY shutdown the PC and kill power to the rest of the arcade. I figure I can use a garage door opener (Insteon 74551) to accomplish this. The plan is to connect the button to the power button on the PC (momentary push is perfect for this) and the status to determine when the PC is off (relay hooked to a 5v power connector. When the PC is on, the relay trips, connecting the status wires). I should also mention I have the whole arcade plugged into an Insteon outlet. Actually, it's a surge protector plugged into the outlet. Then the PC and other things (lights, etc) plugged into the surge protector. Here is the logic I am trying to create: If outlet is ON and keypad button is pushed then turn on outlet momentary push garage relay (turns on PC) If outlet is ON and keypad button is pushed then momentary push garage relay (sends power off signal to PC) wait for garage sensor to report OFF (happens when PC completes power down) then turn outlet OFF Ideally, the light in the keypad button should reflect the state of things I figure this probably can't be done with a single program or scene. I just have no idea how to accomplish everything. Any help would be much appreciated.
  18. Was hoping I could solve this in software. I know switching from a NO to a NC switch would reverse when it's lit, there's no way to tell the keypad to only light the button when the device is off? Or to tell the garage sensor that when the circuit closes, that's "off"?
  19. I have a 6 button keypad (this one: http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2334-232-keypad-dimmer-switch-dual-band-6-button-white.html)that I'm using (among other things) to control my 2 garage doors via an Insteon 74551 ( this guy: http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-74551-garage-door-control-status-kit.html) I set it up following this tutorial: http://homeautomationguru.com/insteon-enabled-your-garage-doors/and everything works perfectly! I can push "A" and garage door 1 opens. Push it again and it closes, and the indicator light on the buttom lights up depending on whether the door is closed. Works the same with "B" and garage door 2. The problem is, and I know this is knit-picky, when the garage doors are closed, the button light is lit. I would much rather have the buttons lit when the doors are open. Is this possible?
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