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Hi Barry, I think I found something funny with the ha-bridge 1.07. I know your not responsible for that part of the equation but still you mention you have good communication with BWS Systems. I found out that if the harmony hub is Off, disconected from the network or for what ever other reason is not found the ha-bridge ver 1.07 does not load up. It just failes to run leaving not just the harmony hub out but also the ISY functions out. Can there be a way that it runs even if it does not find the Harmony hub on the network. I know this seems kind of weird to ask for but the reason for this request is that I disconect the power from all the equipment were the harmony hub is located to save energy. So when the Raspberry Pi reboots for some reason while the harmony hub is off the network it fails to run the ha-bridge. Think something like this can be done?
Hi Barry Tested new configurator ver. 5.0.12. And still a no go with combined Ha-Bridge 1.0.7. I set the harmony activity in the configurator to "Home Theater" and it does not do anything but complain. Neither On or Off work.
Hi, Barry I installed the new combined Harmony and HA-Bridge ver 1.0.7 and your new configurator ver. 5.0.10 (although it still identifies as ver. 5.0.9). Everything insteon works 100% but the Harmony part just does not respond. Alexa always comes back with "Your device could not respond please .......". It does not matter if my Friendly name is the same as the name for the activity or if their different it just does not work. I tried diferent conbinations and nothing seems to work. Are you using the id # now for the call to the harmony hub or still using the name? I can see that now you have the harmony id # identified on the bottom of the app when a harmony activity is selected but I do not seem to be able to do anything with it. Also if I place the Unlocked status on the URL it still does not let me make any change. You can type anything on the URL space when unlocked but it does not make anything permanent or have an effect on the outcome. Any help I can provide you with to get this working, I am available. Thanks for all your effort.
Hi Barry Just got back from work. Did you got around to change the friendly name for the device id on the configurator app? Just wanted to test if that makes the difference. Bluman2, I did test having the same friendly name for the echo and harmony hub and it does work more consistently. Now if I change the friendly name on the configurator app for the echo and make it different to the harmony hub friendly name it just stops working. Off command always work. So I can confirm that I have the exact same behavior you observed. Thanks
Sorry Barry and Blueman2 I posted this question late last night and went to sleep. Right now I am at work. But basically I have the latest versions of the 3 needed apps. restful-harmony.0.1.4 Ha-Bridge.0.4.10 Barry's Configurator 4.0.4 I have everything working betwween the HA-Bridge and the ISY and Echo with Barrys latest configurator. Is just that yesterday a introduced the restful-harmony into the mix with mixed results. I know the resful-harmony.jar is running because I can request all activities through a Web Browser and it does respond with all the info back plus Barrys configurator finds all my activities and devices on the Harmony Hub. Here is the thing.... Responce for the activities is eratic most of the time Alexa responce is it did not find the device but every once in a while it does turn ON the activity. What it always does is turn Off the activity. All of this is running on a Windows 10 PC. I do have this Harmony stuff working with Alexa through another .exe file that I right now do not remember cus I am at work. The way it works is that I have a web activity app listening for web calls in the windows machine and then that app executes the exe file adding the apropiate parameters to make the Harmony hub execute the activity I called for through alexa. I use the custom setting on Barry's configurator for this. It work 100% everytime. The reason I want to change this to the resful-harmony.jar is because I want to move all of this setup to a Pi in order to not have the windows machine always On. Also I detected that Barry's Configurator version 4.0.4 force closes when I hit custom button and also when I hit the test ON/OFF button for a Harmony activity everything else does execute the Test On/Off. This did not happened with version previous to 4.0.0. Any suggestion on what Raspberry Pi 2 Kit to buy with the right OS? Thanks
Hi Blueman2 Do you have the restful-harmony working with Barry's configurator? I just can not get it working. Alexa always comes back with a "Device is not currently blah blah blah". Can you give some insight on how you configured this to work? Thanks rdavidowski
Hi, Barry I got the dimming to work !!!!! But that is sort off, because is very eratic. Sometimes I say "Alexa set (Light Name) to 60" and it just sets up another value or it just does not do anything. The dim command is the worst. Can anyone comment on their experience and the exact commands utter to Alexa. Thanks with the help.
Were does ha-bridge-0.4.X stores the devices. I am trying to copy all my devices setup on my windows computer to another computer and just want to copy the data file to the other one without adding one by one again. Can anybody point me to were it is located on a windows machine? Thanks
Hi Barry I also have a Windows machine running 24/7. Can you let me in on the dimming function for the ISY994. If you want I can beta test for you. With dimming added to the mix this would be a 100% working solution for my needs.
Hi, Thanks for the tips, I got everything working that's related to the Echo. But even adding "-Dupnp.strict=false" to the startup script didn't help with the Harmony App recognizing the ha-bridge.0.4.0.jar as a Hue hub. It sees it when it scans but when it tries to pair with it it just does not work. So I am running a second instance of the bridge but with the old version amazon-echo-bridge.0.2.1.jar, only with the devices that I want to control with the Harmony Hub. But this means that I have another device to wory about, it will be neat if it all work on the new version. If anyone else has dealt with this and point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
Hi Barrygordon I have setup ha-bridge 0.4.0 and now the echo is fully working. But I went and tried to rediscover with this new version my Harmony Hub and the harmony app presents the ha-bridge as a hue hub but when it tries to sync with it it fails. With the amazon-echo-bridge-0.2.1 it worked flawlessly. Do you know if this new versions of ha-bridge support syncing with harmony hub? Thanks for any help with this.
Hi, I would like to know if anyone got ha-bridge-0.3.5.jar working. I got it all setup but the Echo says " Thieir is something wrong with the device, check your connections......." and you know the rest. So the mapper V12 sees everything in working order and also the Web portal of the ha-bridge turns on and off all of the devices but still the Echo says it can not see the devices. What I am doing wrong? Thanks rdavidowski