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Everything posted by jstjohnz

  1. Thanks for that. I get CONTROL, testing for CONTROL ON senses button presses of my non-toggle ON buttons. I don't understand SENSE, though, I don't see SENSE in the drop-down for conditions.
  2. I am a newbie at ISY programming, and to be honest I'm finding it to be quite different than what I expected, but I'm slowly finding my way. I have a KeypadLinc that I want to be able to use as 7 general purpose buttons and 7 general purpose indicator lights. I have defined a scene for each light such that I can turn each button light on or off by turning the corresponding button light scene on or off. So, I am good as far as the lights. I have the buttons configured for non-toggle ON mode. I have a scene defined for each button where the corresponding button press turns on that scene. The intent was to create programs like: if button-scene B is on then do whatever button B is supposed to do turn button scene B off My confusion is how to detect a button press in a program. I don't see an option to set a program condition as "IF SCENE XXX IS ON" for example. All assistance will be most appreciated.
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