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Everything posted by eyaniv

  1. Thanks glarsen for the pointer! according to dotnet publish process, the output should be the following. I'm missing from the downloaded zip the runtimeconfig, and any dependencies needed. my environment is Debian 9. Thanks Eran
  2. Thanks io_guy. trying this, I get the following error: A fatal error was encountered. The library 'libhostpolicy.so' required to execute the application was not found in '/home/eran/nodelink/dotnet/'. Failed to run as a self-contained app. If this should be a framework-dependent app, add the /home/eran/nodelink/dotnet/NodeLink.runtimeconfig.json file specifying the appropriate framework. Eran
  3. Agree, but at least we can assume that myQ is capacity tested for a status hit every 10-15 seconds
  4. It is only polling, I just checked my iPhone myQ client with an SSL proxy. The client will fire a new request to https://myqexternal.myqdevice.com/api/v4/DeviceAttribute/PutDeviceAttributeevery 10 seconds.
  5. Thank you xKing for the myq script. In order to update the garage door status, I use ISY network resource to initiate an update, instead of polling. Basically, ISY will call a network resource, that will initiate your script, pull the status and update an ISY variable. Can ISY do the same thing with node server, eliminating the need to poll? here's my script, exposed as a network resource: #!/bin/bash echo "Content-Type: text/html" echo "" echo "<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>" ga=$(curl -s "http://rpi/automation/myq.cgi?user=MYQUSER&pass=MYQPASS&cmd=status" | grep Status | awk '{print $3;}') echo "updating ISY with status $ga<br />" curl -u ISYUSER:ISYPASS http://isy/rest/vars/set/1/VAR/$ga echo "</body></html>"
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