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Everything posted by n8ur9irl

  1. I have eisy Iox 5.6.2. Upgrading Polyglot Version 3x 3.1.36. I get message to restart but i cant get it to update. What is the correct way to restart it? I rebooted the eisy. l Logged out and logged back in to Polyglot.
  2. I restarted the eisy and it worked. phew!
  3. I updated PG3 and lost the iox finder. Tried running a new launcher. then In IoX Launcher, click on the Add button Enter into the dialog. Note is an example. You should use the IP address for your eisy. Click on the OK button still not working says not found
  4. I can report the light is not coming on during the day now.
  5. do I remove the parking pad light from my sunset program? or is it okay to have it in both programs?
  6. The light i am working with is the parking pad light only. So should i forget using the sunset program and just make a new program like you showed? Right?
  7. Im using an insteon motion sensor II for the program. even after the change to the only at night it didnt help . i did the search and it didn't come up with any thing else. I did change the timing Parking Pad Light - [ID 000D][Parent 0001][Run At Startup] If From 8:15:00PM To Sunset (next day) And 'Outdoor / Parking Pad Sensor.1 Motion' is switched On Then Set 'Outdoor / Parking Pad' Fade Up Wait 5 minutes Run Program 'Outdoor Lights' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Outdoor Lights - [ID 0025][Parent 0001][Run At Startup] If From Sunset + 1 hour To Sunrise - 1 hour (next day) Then Set 'Sunrise' On Else Set 'Sunrise' Off
  8. I meant night only.
  9. Yes i do want the motion switch to activate all night. We are in the country with bears. 😗 Thank you Geddy for the program advice I changed some other multiple folders to 1 on/off. One thing I am having a problem with the outdoor lights is that the 100% is activating in the daytime also. I have the scheduled times in "If" and I also changed the motion sensor to day only. See anything that would cause that Parking Pad Light - [ID 000D][Parent 0001] If From Sunset To 11:45:00PM (same day) And 'Outdoor / Parking Pad Sensor.1 Motion' is switched On Then Set 'Outdoor / Parking Pad' On 100% Wait 5 minutes Run Program 'Outdoor Lights' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  10. so if i want it to return to the original 35% do i still need to put the "else" in? thanks for the copy trick! Parking Pad Light - [ID 000D][Parent 0001] If From Sunset To 11:45:00PM (same day) And 'Outdoor / Parking Pad Sensor.1 Motion' is switched On Then Set 'Outdoor / Parking Pad' On 100% Wait 5 minutes Run Program 'Sunset' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  11. Thank you I also added that i want it between the hours Sunset and 12:00
  12. Ohhhhh! I think i understand. that what I am changing is not temporary but every time i I turn it on at the switch, right? I fixed it to
  13. Im not clear on what you are saying. Sunset comes on and the parking area is 35% and when motion is detected I want it to be 100% so how would i write it correctly? How would that look? Thanks
  14. Thanks I will try that. I didnt know what information was needed. My sunset program turns all the out door lights on at sunset off at sunrise. I added the 2nd program like this: is that right? thank you for the help!
  15. I have Eisy 5.5.9 and i need some direction writing a program for my outdoor parking area. The parking area comes on at sunset everyday at 35% and i would like it to have it brighten to 100% when motion is triggered then dim back down to 35% after 5 minutes. Could someone give me some pointers please? Thanks
  16. I am trying to change the color of the background. I see how to to change colors of the icons but not the background. Thank you
  17. Thank you for your reply. I wasn't waiting long enough for Eisy to update. I'm not sure how you are supposed to tell when it is finished but it did take a long time.
  18. When using ISY launcher and selecting Polyglot V3 (PG3), Chrome attempts to connect to: and returns “This site cannot be reached "client ID is not valid"
  19. Thanks for the help. Ive opened up a ticket to check it
  20. updated to 5.5.4 no change
  21. yes i enter the dsk code and make sure it is correct, it has the S2 encryption
  22. I just transitioned to Eisy(v5.5.3)with the USB: Z-Wave+ & Matter Module installed from ISY994r PRO where i had all my Schlage Connect locks working. But now I cannot get them to add fully to Eisy. I get 1 node called "entry control" and nothing else and no control. I also tried to get it to add to UD Mobile and it was the same. I have removed them factory reset and added again. I had one that i brought to Eisy to add, same results In the Mobile app I get an errorRestResponse succeeded false status 400. Anyone have an ideas, please?
  23. Thank you guys, moving them closer didnt seem to help but I upgraded the isy to version 5.30 and it did the trick. Thank you all very much for the great ideas! Love this site. Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
  24. house. Guys. So far I tried moving it closer. It didn't work. I'll try upgrading . Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
  25. Isy 994i version 5.2, zwave 21100 Built an addition with new sub panel all ge zwave switches and outlets not being found. Tried excluding, resetting, placing an extender in an outlet in the room. Used an add on switch for the 3 way switch and it only stays on when you hold it down. I also tried rebooting isy. I also need to add that I just changed out the zwave dongle with the 500 and all other zwave switches and outlets work. There are approx 20 in the house.I would appreciate any help. Thank you Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
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