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Everything posted by mcwxlsxn

  1. That is correct, it's generated on their side with no ability to reduce it's length.
  2. I'm using SendGrid for emails and have been for some time without any issues. However, SendGrid in the last few months made a change to force users to use API generated passwords which are 69 characters in length. ISY however does not allow passwords to be that long. Can we possibly get that field increased? Thanks!
  3. I re-purchased a Smoke Bridge and First Alert SA521CN after my initial attempts failed back in August 2015. Plug SB into wall. Hold "Set" on SB until blinking green. Add device using ISY. Hold "Set" on SB again until blinking green. Hold "Test" on Smoke Alarm until "chirp" begins. SB LED changes to blinking red. Test finishes, SB did not change LED color or stop blinking. Pressed "Set" on SB. LED goes back to solid green. Query nodes/devices in ISY and statuses are back to normal. Added 6 additional Smoke Alarms to the first Smoke Alarm using the method described by First Alert. Tested all Smoke Alarms and received my programmed notifications without issue.
  4. I'll get that post in shortly so you should have no issues linking the two devices. Regarding the Amazon and OneLink designation on the back; that's what I was commenting on originally. Because none of mine from now and back in August 2015 had OneLink printed anywhere on them. I noticed Amazon had the picture with the back showing OneLink but I just double-checked mine last night and there was no "OneLink" printed on the back. I imagine yours won't either.
  5. Not sure what happened to mine and Teken's recent posts about my follow-up to the OneLink and Smoke Bridge. Hopefully a moderator can explain what happened. Anyways...the recent First Alert SA521CN that I purchased (six), do not have OneLink on the front or back. Just an FYI for all others. And in case they don't resurrect my missing posts; I tried a new Smoke Bridge and a new First Alert SA521CN, everything worked fine but the documentation seemed to be a little off. If they can't get my missing posts, I'll try to re-write the whole pairing method that I used.
  6. So here's the low down directly from the manufacturer via phone call. They are releasing more OneLink products that will be part of their own OneLink family e.g. thermostat, detectors etc. They removed the name from any existing models b/c they didn't want customers to get confused about what family they were part of. Supposedly, First Alert was supposed to only remove the name from the product/documentation, no physical changes but she could not confirm that 100%. As such, there shouldn't have been any behavior changes with the new revision. The woman I spoke with confirmed with a more knowledgeable colleague on all of this but neither were familiar with the OneLink and Insteon relationship. Very nice and helpful but ultimately referred me to Insteon support.
  7. Thanks LeeG, unfortunately I'm in Michigan! Maybe you can ship one to me and I'll reimburse you through PayPal? EDIT: Nvm, I didn't comprehend the purpose of your post until just now. Thanks, I'll check around Home Depot for another location of smoke detectors.
  8. Well Smarthome graciously refunded the purchase. They had not heard of any issues with OneLink being removed. I'll let you all know what the response from First Alert is if/when it comes.
  9. From Smarthome.com http://www.smarthome.com/first-alert-sa521cn-3st-onelink-integrated-wireless-smoke-alarm.html "FIRST ALERT SA521CN-3ST ONELINK INTEGRATED WIRELESS SMOKE ALARM" I have a feeling something's changed and not been communicated.
  10. Lol agreed...this is getting old, five smoke alarms and 2 bridges so far. The manufactured dates on the smoke alarms are within the last couple months so maybe they're dropping OneLink but haven't publicly stated it yet. FirstAlertStore.com has a 10-30% re-stocking fee regardless, so maybe I'll try connecting it anyways.
  11. These pictures are from the SA521CN-3ST from firstalertstore.com
  12. I wish I were pulling your leg. Before I made this purchase I stopped into the local Home Depot, they appear to only carry Kiddie products here in Michigan. I'll send a picture of the brand new one as well, just so you can see for yourselves. I don't want to open it yet because now Smarthome is not refunding me for the other one I purchased, instead is replacing it. This would be fine but I have a feeling I'll be getting another model of the non-OneLink variety. If I open the one from FirstAlert, I don't want to be stuck with 2 smoke alarms that I don't need. I do have an email inquiry into them to find out what's going on with "OneLink".
  13. So I received my hardwired SA521CN-3ST from firstalertstore.com over the weekend (http://www.firstalertstore.com/store/products/sa521cn-3st-onelink-wireless-hardwired-smoke-alarm.htm). Unfortunately it looks exactly the same as the other 3 I've purchased. No OneLink branding anywhere to be found. I'm dumbfounded...I guess I cannot use my smoke bridge.
  14. Backup is fine, just don't want it as the primary source of power.
  15. It doesn't say "switched on" in the dialog where you add the rule, it only says "on". Once you add the rule, it will then state "switched on"
  16. Oh I didn't realize that! If they can send SMS then I may go that route. I'll be keeping an eye out for your update.
  17. I have one of their CO devices. The only problem with the device you linked is that it requires Android or iOS. I just so happen to be one of the crazy 4% that uses a Windows Phone. As crazy as it is, I'd prefer to keep it that way Thanks for the suggestions though!
  18. Boy...here I was thinking going through separate vendors would have proven that assumption wrong, guess not. I'll be returning these alarms and purchasing one directly from First Alert.
  19. That's correct, on all three purchased under that model number, none have OneLink printed on them physically or in their documentation. This is the hardwired version as I don't want to worry about batteries. I have plenty of other battery-operated Insteon devices to keep my eyes on
  20. I may be mistaken, but this doesn't connect with Insteon though right?
  21. But that's the problem, I've purchased the "correct" model number from 3 separate vendors including SmartHome who states "Works with the INSTEON Smoke Bridge". Here's the link: http://www.smarthome.com/first-alert-sa501cn-3st-onelink-wireless-battery-powered-smoke-alarm.html All the vendors show the same model # and screenshots with "OneLink" labeled but the actual model number is just SA501CN and no "OneLink" anywhere.
  22. Will do, thanks Teken! Until then, can you think of a reason the detector isn't changing the color of the bridge status LED? By pressing the set button on the bridge, everything performs smoothly. This is why I keep looking at the connection from the detector to the bridge as being the issue. The detectors do NOT show "OneLink" on them anywhere and the model # does NOT have -3ST as bernieb states above.
  23. Teken, I will double check the coupling/bridging but it was functioning correctly last time I tested it. I did try these tests on two separate outlets (different floors) with the bridge and detector about 6 feet away from each other in both tests. I'll try your suggestions and see what I can make of it. To me it seems there's no communication going on between the detectors and the bridge. My light never changes on the bridge when I test.
  24. Thanks for the response LeeG I'm concerned about the states of the nodes. If I set the alarm off through manual test or actual smoke, the smoke bridge still does not change the states of any of the nodes.
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