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  1. I think I saw this elsewhere, but when I try to activate the free one month license it takes me to the UD portal and wants me to buy a license. Pretty sure I saw this reported elsewhere here, but for now, a no go @Jimbo.Automates
  2. Awesome thank you so much @Jimbo.Automates, I am out of town today but will check first thing tomorrow!
  3. It's this one. "Kasa Outdoor Smart Dimmer Plug". I wouldn't be trying to dim a non-dimmable module. Plus I wouldn't expect ISY to show the dimming capabilities if they did not exist, as they do not show for other on-off switches. That's the one. Happy to send @Jimbo.Automates one of these plugs if we can get it supported! Just let me know....
  4. This is the Kasa forum, so I was referring to the TP-Link Kasa outdoor plug (which I'm trying to use indoors). 😃
  5. Is it at all possible to add support for dimming the outdoor module? All the control are there, it just doesn't do anything. Thanks!
  6. Hi, Wondering if it is possible to flag when an energy event is active. I see there is a DemandResopnse object, but it says available to utility and EMS accounts only. Since ecobee can receive and react to an energy event, it seems like it would be available, and maybe that qualifies as an EMS account? Thanks!
  7. I have an old pg2 instance running LiFX, which I'm finally ready to move to eISY's polyglot. I am using a devlist.yml file, as auto discovery is not reliable. I've put my devlist.yml into the nodeserver directory and changed the owner, but every time I start the NS, discovery ends with this (different bulb/mac address each time): 2025-02-18 09:48:54.077 Thread-4 (_discovery_process) udi_interface ERROR lifx-poly:_discovery_process: discovery Error: WorkflowException: Did not receive [<class 'lifxlan.msgtypes.StateVersion'>] from d0:73:d5:75:67:e6 (Name: None) in response to <class 'lifxlan.msgtypes.GetVersion'> If I remove the devlist file, it attempts auto discovery (and gets some bulbs) - so it is seeing the file, but it's not working. My devlist file is fine, it's a direct copy of what is in production today. Help?
  8. Getting the attached error message when attempting to execute any network resource via the app. I have synchronized a couple of times. It seems to happen with all network resources. Thanks!
  9. Probably too soon for any subjective feedback, but wondering how much of the performance of IoX is disk based, vs processor & RAM. As in, @Michel Kohanim, is the upgrade worth it just for running IoX, or is this more of an upgrade that is useful for running other tasks (VM's, etc) on eisy? Thanks!
  10. Haven't had the client stopped error a single time since the change....seems to be working!!! Thanks again!!
  11. @DavidV I went through this exactly same thing a few months ago. Opened a ticket, and the suggestion was to migrate from zooz to zmatter. (I had zmatter, just wasn't using it due to migration issues the previous time I attempted it.) I did eventually migrate to zmatter, but one of the releases prior to that (5.7 maybe) seemed to completely solve it for me. It was very mysterious, in the end not entirely sure what exactly fixed it. But like I said, it was exactly the same symptoms!
  12. First reboot, then power cycle after reboot, both resulted in being stuck on Initializing subscription.
  13. Same as above, Vista 21IP, EnvisaLink4. And, same in terms of used to use the IP module for Total Connect, got rid of that part some time ago as well. The only shortcoming that I have hit is that the Vista panels stop reporting sensor activity when the alarm is armed in any state. So, night, stay, away...you won't get motion, door/window, etc activity reported to IoX. Not a deal breaker for me....the couple of spots that I needed that info I've just used insteon or z-wave modules to supplement.
  14. A unplug/plug followed by IoX restart usually works as well.
  15. Just curious as to the reasons behind that suggestion? (I'm not disputing it lol, just curious.)
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