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    dallas burb

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  1. and portals - I'm wondering when I will be portaling to portals unsolicited and portals unknown - I mean - amazon, ud, ecobee and I suppose simple control - wonder if i am portaling to portals via portals unintended - and my unwelcome, intrusive portaling is raising the ire of portals - I have noticed the tone adopted by alexa is a bit snippy lately sigh
  2. speaking of a sloop rambling thread...portal concepts echo to amazon (amazon parses for keywords and passes a command to ud portal if applicable) ud formatted command back to the isy? or ud formatted command back to amazon? I'm betting its ud portal to the isy - which makes me wonder about acknowledgments - I suppose ud sends one back to amazon that passes it to the echo - unless the echo 'ok' is send in response to successful delivery of the command to ud - if not its successful execution of the command by ud - has to be some kind of success by amazon because if the isy is not online, echo tells you anyway - I have scenes out the - I have tons of scenes - because even one lamp has at least a button to control it - each room has a scene that sets every light in the room, along with all the buttons for those lamp scenes - while the echo works well - really well - saying 'the master bedroom left bedside lamp' is getting pretty formulaic - newspeak as it were so I only have my room scenes defined to the echos - which is good enough - but I'd love for the echo to have an awareness of the room it is in - if amazon would pass the echo device id to ud, it could sure lessen the instructions on how to operate the echo command from amazon to ud 'den echo sends set den sofa lamp to on' could be 'den ech sends set lamp to on - while 'bedroom echo sends set lamp to on' would operate the bedside lamp - 'turn the lights on' would have different commands based on the location (device id) of the echo which would necessitate me setting up each echo on the ud portal - small price for me - not sure what the overhead would be on the ud portal (I will have 6 or 7 echos) just a thought - be interesting to know the concept AND a HUGE THANKS TO UD for the tight coupling with echo - it makes it usable - skills are worthless to me - talk about formulaic speech - ud and ecobee did it right wish simple control and sonos would do the same
  3. have to say - do NOT expect support from simple control - now no one expects support that would equal ud - but simple control is completely awol (their 'forum' is heavily moderated and support rarely visits - I did find a massive roomie thread on avs - and several have commented on the ud forum and support being world class) in any event - for the roomie people: I still have a problem with their hub and sync - so while waiting on the weekly email from support telling me to post yet another diagnostic, I decided to move on with my setup - and the lack of information means tons of trial and error - hoping someone can point me in the right direction got the isy to be in the device discovery list - got the authorization to go through - decided to add a test scene - or I wanted to - the manifest lists about 800 devices - NONE OF WHICH ARE SCENES??? it would be a slick interface to an automated home - select a room to operate on and everything available is listed oh - their wifi blaster - selected the network on ipad - opened the browser - selected wifi network - did not connect - reset blaster - now no web page is displayed maybe I should have gone with itach instead
  4. either broan or best by broan (I think) used insteon 6 button keypad switches to control their liners - and had an accessory light bar with extra halogen lights that mounted inside the liner - I changed them to xenon to match the undercabinet lights and connected the light bar to the controller for the undercabinet lights
  5. thanks all - mine was not in the discovery - but simple control got my account straightened out - and it is there now - i'll work on the authentication this weekend
  6. oh no - another rambling sloop thread isy994 isy portal mobilinc echos alexa portal ecobee thermostats alexa portal to ecobee ipads, android phones sonos, but not linked to the isy and now - I added simple control for an interface to it all - or trying to add simple control (was roomie) simple control says life is better for them with reservations for ip addresses - I did not when I first tested the simple control hub, but now have them set up isy - simple control hub - confessions - the initial setup without the reservations - ipads had a different e/mail account, though that was changed - simple sync and simple service has a problem (account mixup I suppose - good luck getting support from simple control) however - simple sync should not be involved in my problem: connecting the simple control app to the isy looks like a credential problem System -170001 [Auth:-10104]>80, Num=3 System -170001 [Auth:-10104]>80, Num=4 gave simple control port 80 - tried 443 too what am I missing?
  7. amazon does not send a unique id of the ehco to the ud portal? just the amazon account? with a unique device id, seems like we (meaning michel *sigh*) could handle this on the ud portal side (with some additional setup for the users) might be an involved change for amazon and the products that interface to amazon to correct that
  8. stating that no one needs the lights is NOT fact - you can't seem to grasp that you might be incapable of imagining why someone might - that might be fact nor do you know if he is in a neighborhood or in the middle of 2000 acres how he spends his money is his business - he was not asking permission and you claim others are deflecting? slooplinc the politically correct troll (who never judged if there was a 'need' - I left that judgment to others)
  9. so if this is all about helping the op, how do statements like this help? "There is absolutely no reason why anyone would need 8000 watts of outside lights to be powered, none. These lights should have been segmented and placed in groups where key lighting would be available should it be required. You certainly did not need all 8000 watts to be lit up." you might not 'need' it. you cannot say the op does not. the statements are arrogant. anyway - my legendary 'dusk' scene comes to mind when trying to fake an all on or all off workaround. there is a limit to the number of links...
  10. feel free to skip my posts - you have my permission you also have my permission to NOT respond while you call me a troll, and it might well be true, you are also my advantage is that i acknowledge it
  11. thank you ober - i'll consider buying a new isy and plm - or maybe an additional controller of some type actually, lee - i CARED what it said long ago - before i invested thousands - and was told half truths and outright lies by the manufacturer - it seems YOU did NOT care - about the half truths, lies and faulty devices - strange how YOU say I am the problem, even though i have backed up my claims not sure why you are telling me the topic of the thread I started - or why you want to encourage a troll like ME with your little slams - yes, i was FINANCIALLY invested in a faulty product made by shady people - and i sounded off LOUD AND CLEAR - with just cause - while YOU fanboiz that are EMOTIONALLY invested in a PRODUCT made excuses for the indefensible i care about product claims - i rely on those claims when deciding if i want to buy the product - i was NOT the only person to believe the claim that the published protocol was supported by the devices labeled with the name of the protocol - it seems i did not learn my lesson because i ASSUMED devices manufactured with an enhanced instruction set in the protocol would be backward compatible - like REPUTABLE companies do
  12. so brian - if i buy a new isy and a new plm, will it support both old and new devices?
  13. "Old and new devices work fine with each other at the Set button linking perspective." is that the way it was marketed? because the thousands i spent on the first devices were said to support the protocol suite that has FINALLY been implemented.
  14. sounds like the new devices are not backward compatible with the old - at least in the protocol - is that what i am hearing? would a new isy and new plm have the capability to support both old and new?
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