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Everything posted by lurlette

  1. lurlette

    Elk support

    Having dealt with elk in past, I must say that their support are the best, even after warranties are expired they still try to assist you as best as possible.
  2. lurlette

    UDI store

    It appears as though UDI doesn’t know that people outside of the USA use their devices. While trying to make a purchase on their store’s website it doesn’t allow purchases from other countries, only options are USA and Puerto Rico.!!!
  3. lurlette

    Elk m1

    So I have my CT-800 setup and working on my Washer, the ct dry contact is connected to zone 16 of my elk m1, I dont have any other expansion boards and I am using these Rules: WHENEVER Washer Status (Zn 16)BECOMES NOT SECURETHEN TURN Output 100 ON FOR 5 MIN, RESTART TIMER IF RUNNINGWHENEVER Output 100 STATE IS TURNED OFFAND Washer Status (Zn 16) IS NOT SECURETHEN ANNOUNCE Miscellaneous 3 (vm241)But the elk m1 still announces every time the washer pause, can anyone please guide me as to what I am doing wrong, I have Kenmore washer its Maytag .
  4. Can someone please explain how to setup Polyglot in a more newbe way,like for some people that's never done it before.Like whats got o be installed on the Raspberry side and what got to be installed on the ISY side.Thanks (I know there is a video on it but that's for more advanced users.)
  5. Just a follow up, i did what stuviews suggested anf it worked for me,so i can control my fireplace with either the wall switch or with isy and google home and amazon echo. Thanks for all the help.
  6. stusviews,yes its the wires shown in post 19,it`s wires like the ones that connect to the furnace to the thermostat,,the black wire is connected to where it has TH,and the white is connected to where it has TPTH.Thanks (not standard in wall wires)
  7. Sorry for the late response,was out, the switch is a regular wall switch (toggle switch) the black wire goes on top of the switch and the white goes at the bottom terminal.(its that black and white wires in the Brown insulation.
  8. Bottom of fireplace
  9. to add to this post,there is no 120 Volts at the bottom of my fireplace,
  10. Thanks Gary,kinkwr and trojanhorse,thats some really good points,but I think in my case,my fire place have a flame always on (that flame burns twenty four seven 365 days ),its a really low flame so when you flick the wall switch on the flame goes up to max.Thanks for all you guys advise.
  11. Thanks Gary, that's more clear now, Thanks again, I just have to run a 120 volts wire to plug in my I/O Linc and I am set.
  12. Thanks Kingwr,but this is what I want to know:so where do I connect the wires from the switch to I/O LInc? two wires from fire place to I/O Linc I understand,but from switct to I/O LINC I don`t. Thanks
  13. So with that setup, my fire place can only be controlled by the I/O Linc and my isy,but I want it to be controlled by the switch (manaully) and the I/O Linc and isy,is this possible?if it is where do I connect the wires from fireplace to I/O Linc? so from pict I can see the red and white wire from switch to I/O linc, but where does the wires from the fire place goes? Thanks
  14. Thanks for your very fast reply, however,thats what I saw in other posts,so I just want to be sure before I mess things up,seeing from your pict. 5V AND GND Can be connected to terminal on the Fireplace,My fire place has a terminal block that has from top: TH, P, TPTH, AND the Black wire connected to terminal TH GOES to the switch and the white wire connected to terminal TPTH goes to the switch,so where do I connect the black wire to the I/o Linc and where do I connect the white wire to the I/o Linc, and what wire goes to the switch. Thanks
  15. I did some reading on this fire place set up with a I/O Linc # 2450 question is ; I have a INSTA-FLAME Fire place, its got a flame that's always on (a very small weak flame) and a toggle switch on the wall,when its switched on the fire place is lit up,when the switch is switched off,the fireplace goes off,only the small flame stays on,can I install the I/o linc inbetween the switch and the fire place, I did read the other posts and they are confusing to me,where do I wire the switch to? and where do I connect the wires from the fireplace to? do I cut the two wires that's comming from the fire place and connect them to the I/O Linc 2450 -Like this--com and 5V and from the switch to GND AND NC. Thanks for all your help.
  16. i have a ELKM1PCSPIM hooked up to my m1,and i have a UPB light switch that controls a light over my step,so i have a rule setup in my m1 to turn on the light over the step when a motion detector detects motion,(the UPB switch shows A1 in elk m1 lighting) and that`s working fine,Now i want to be able to control my other INSTEON switches through the elk m1,but when i import my insteon light file to my elk m1 the imported file goes to A1 also(a INSTEON LIGHT SWITSH), so now the rule is turning on the UPB switch and the INSTEON switch, because they all want to use A1 ,How can i change the insteon to be A6 or some other address in ELK M1? I don`t know if this is the right place to post this,so please let me know if its ok or not. Thanks in Advance.
  17. Hi all, I have my isy994i and my elk connected and working fine, but one little problem, I can see only eight zones ( the first 8 ) from 9 to 16 doesn't show in the isy portal,any help would be appreciated. Thanks The other zones 9 to 16 are set to none alarm zone, if that would make any difference
  18. i am always of the opinion that a product is only as good as its support,with the isy and the support that the team put behind it, is beyond excellent,the best support i ever had was Garmin,and now the isy support team beat that,i only hope that the keep up the good work, Thanks to the isy team.
  19. Hi, can anyone please point me in the right direction on how or if there is any way i can have my isy994i e-mail me when my august smart lock opens and when its closed.(when ever the door is open or closed) Thanks
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