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Everything posted by smithjoy

  1. Thanks, Rand. Makes sense. It would be great if there were a way to trigger an individual controller and have the Insteon network respond just as if the user had phyically activated that controller. I don't even know if that's possible within the Insteon architecture and protocol. If it is, it would make a great programming construct for ISY. I'd want things like TRIGGER ON, TRIGGER OFF, TRIGGER TOGGLE. And possibly TRIGGER nn%, which for things like SLs would simulate the user holding the switch until it goes to a certain level. This is uniquely different than just setting that one device (the controller) to a particluar state, it causes anything linked to that controller event to also happen in response. Idea: If the Insteon protocol doesn't allow what I'm suggesting, could ISY "emulate" the controller? That is, could a TRIGGER function set the controller to the desired state and synthesize the Instenon commands on the network that the controller would have generated if it had been physically activated by a user. ISY would have to watch out for potential infinite loops (a program that triggers a controller that launches the same program). But you guys are really smart and would find a creative way to trap or manage that.
  2. Thanks, oberkc. Well, my real setup is much more complicated that this. I simplified to isolate the real question -- is there a simple way to programatically set the scene just as the buttons on the KPL do (SOFT, BRIGHT, etc.)? Sounds like no. Most of my lights (in this case) are SwitchLincs, a few LampLincs. So, if my wish for a simple command has not been granted, I'll just make them into individual scenes. It's just more work to ensure the device list in each scene is identical to the other scenes. If anyone else has any ideas/insights, that would be great. Otherwise I'll go the multi-scene route.
  3. I have a simple scene with three lights as responders, we'll call them R1, R2, and R3. I want three states of that group of lights, as follows: OFF: R1 at 0%; R2 at 0%; R3 at 0% SOFT: R1 at 30%; R2 at 50%; R3 at 15% BRIGHT: R1 at 100%; R2 at 100% and R3 at 75% I have defined a scene containing all three responders and two KPL buttons as controllers (KPL-C for SOFT and KPL-D for BRIGHT). For each controller KPL button, I set each responder to the desired level, including turning off the other KPL button. So far, everything works perfectly for operating the scene manually. The buttons behave in a mutually exclusive manner (radio button behavior) and pressing the button that's already on turns the scene off. Excellent. Now, here's where I'm stuck: I want to be able to set the scene to one of these levels programatically. For example, at dusk I want to turn the scene on to the SOFT level. But when there's a motion event, I want the scene to go to BRIGHT, then revert to SOFT after a period without motion. Ideally, I'd like something like a INSTEON EXECUTE command that simulates a KPL button being turned on or off. Nothing like that exists (at least nothing that obvious). Is there a simple solution that I've overlooked? Thank you for any ideas!
  4. In your "Garage Motion Off" example, what happens if the sensor status goes to "On" during the 12 minute wait? Will the lights turn off, even if someone is now in the garage? Or, does that change in motion status interrupt this program because the "If" condition is no longer met? I guess I'm really asking about the processing/event/interrupt model for the IF/THEN/ELSE structure used in ISY programming. Are all of the THEN lines executed even if the IF condition changes during their execution? Thanks much!
  5. Thanks for the prompt responses. Much appreciated!
  6. I have a KPL with a simple two-button control of complementary scenes: Button B: Living Room Bright Button D: Living Room Dim The buttons are in a mutually exclusive group and when controlled from the KPL work just fine. Each button sets the scene, its LED illuminates and the LED for the other button goes off. Sicne the buttons are configured as toggles, pressing the illuminated button causes everything in the scene to go off. This is all great. However, when a program or other controller (e.g. Tabletop unit) are used to swith scenes, both KPL LEDs remain on. I want the KPL to accurately show which scene is active. I've tried making the KPL buttons responders in the opposite scene (i.e. Button B in the 'dim' scene) so that I could make the state of that button OFF in response to the scene. However, I can find no way in the ISY admin console to edit the desired state of the KPL button as a responder. The buttons are listed as members of the scene in the tree list, but not in the main window area where attributes of each scene member are edited. What am I missing? Is there any way of doing this without a program for each scene that executes just to clean up the state of LEDs on KPLs? Thanks much!
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