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Everything posted by cvanhoose

  1. Thanks. I could not get the latest version to work, which is now 0.2.5, it gives me nothing but errors and will not start homebridge. For. now I am running 0.1.9 which may be why I can not see my thermostat.
  2. I am pretty impressed with the HomeBridge addition to my setup. Having Siri control everything is much faster than having Alexa controlling via voice commands. I take the responsiveness is due to HomeBridge being on the local network compare to Alexa having to go out to servers then back in for control. A plus is having voice control if the internet goes out. I have added all of the devices and over a dozen cameras with the ffmpeg plugin as well. One device that did not recognize was my 2gig CT100 Thermostat. Anyone have any ideas?
  3. I figured it out. The internal port needs to be defaulted to 80. Works great!
  4. Installed today on a macmini. I am able to turn on the devices, but not off. I can then go to dashboard or mobilinc and toggle off.Then i am able to tuen back on from homekit. So only on works for me. Any ideas? v5.0.15A Anyone else having this issue?
  5. Now it works. Thank you for the quick support much appreciated.
  6. I used it several days ago no prob. My normal usage is with MobiLinc which is working, so this isn’t a necessary function for me. Thanks for testing.
  7. PM sent. Thank you. Whats odd is, when the voice command is sent from my Alexa Show, the controls show on the interface on the Show and I can adjust it there, but the controls won’t show in the Alexa app.
  8. I deleted both thermostat devices. Then discovered new devices which added them back. Both have the correct address. Still no go on the thermostat controls via the app. I am able to control all other devices within the app or by voice commands after relinking I am using a 2gig CT100. I am able to voice control the device with Alexa. My Father is having the same issue at his house.
  9. Can anyone else see there thermostat controls in the Alexa app now? I can voice control the thermostat from Alexa but can no longer see the status. Message says “Waiting for UdI”
  10. I had to unlink and relink the skill as well. This may be widespread as my Father had to do the same at his house also.
  11. I think he was looking for more info I too have been looking for the commands but no success.
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