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  1. I have a motion detector in my bathroom that is part of a pretty complex program. It no longer works. New battery, restore device, factory reset, it no longer functions. I have another that I can replace it with but the "replace device" option doesn't show up in the menu as it does with other devices. Is there a way that I can easily swap these Motion D's without losing all my programming? I tried renaming them but the programs just renamed them also. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks DrGlenn
  2. I have a Morninglinc and my ISY can't install it. When I look in the list of devices I don't see it listed. Is it not supported yet? If not, any idea when or if it will be? Thanks Glenn
  3. Is there a way to use the control command with a lamplinc dual band? I would like to be able to tell if the lamp was turned on manually rather than through a program or scene. I have it set to turn on and off by a motion detector or override the motion detector if I use a button on a kpl. I have the lamplinc dual crosslinked with the kpl button. Thanks for any ideas.
  4. The program looks like just what I need! Just a couple of questions I have to clear up some items I don't understand. The keypad 1 - G and keypad 2 - G are they just status indicators or are they also used to open or close the garage door? I also wondered what is in the "back home and Leaving scenes." You also mentioned that any other Insteon device could open the door and would be managed by the program, how is this done. Thanks for your help, I'm new to this programming stuff and quite lost at times. Having programs as yours really helps the learning process. Glenn
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