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  1. I've been looking on the site for a place that explains the event viewer entries in detail for X10 devices. I am trying to use event viewer to figure out where particular commands are coming from. I'm assuming the 4 pairs of numbers are device identifiers. I also see entries with X10-RSP and X10-RX. Is there a best thread in the forum that explains using event viewer to debug X10 problems? Thanks.
  2. I bought a backup ISY99i unit that had IR but it won't connect to my network so I switched the IR sensor over to my ISY99i/PRO. But the admin console configuration tab doesn't have an IR tab. Is there a way to enable this feature? Thanks.
  3. I am successfully using 4G SD card on working ISY99i unit. Maybe it will be a problem if it writes successfully past 1G and then can't read it back? I guess the "new" unit is defective. If I swap boxes (including SD card) the router doesn't see the "new" box even after a reset which I imagine would force an IP correction if needed. Oh well. It seems to do everything else except connect to network. I suppose I could use it to monitor X10 events but I would have to remove SD card to get the log. Well I got an IR sensor out of it anyway.
  4. Hi Brian... I didn't unzip it... the instructions are pretty clear saying don't unzip. the ISY unzipped it and created folders after booting... I also tried moving the working SD card from other ISY without success... but they are different models... old one is ISY99i PRO, the new one is ISY99i/IR... not sure if they unzip the firmware differently
  5. The only difference between the LED sequence from my good ISY and the bad one is that TX LED never lights up. Network is dead? When I switch boxes on network, the device ID ISY-HOME-AUTO goes from connected to not connected. When I switch back to other box it is fine. Originally I thought maybe ISY had static IP that conflicted but reset should have corrected that situation I imagine. The network port LED on the right does light up on both boxes. BTW the first link on that firmware post seems a little off-topic. Leave it to UDI to get hacked? Maybe too busy to run link checks on forum.
  6. supplied link for isyfinder instructions has 63 replies... when I enter "finder" in search I get 0 hits.... when I put in "isyfinder" I get flood control... any easier way? I re-did the reset according to instructions but router still doesn't see it... I assume DHCP is factory default so IP conflict not applicable anymore... I guess it's fried... it is partially functional... it did not come with an SD card so I emptied an SD card and put the 3.3.10 zip file on it and rebooted ISY... ISY unzipped the zip file creating folders... I checked this by putting SD in laptop... but no network function it seems Is it possible to move IR sensor to ISY NBUD70 Rev. 1.4 from ISY NBUD100 Rev. 1.9? It looks like I can just move IR unit over. Anybody know it is not compatible? Thanks
  7. I wish I knew more about networking. I just bought a new(used) ISY99i as a backup but my router doesn't see it. Is it possible the ISY is set up with a static IP that conflicts with another device. I did a reset with no improvement. This is an ISY99i/IR not a PRO model. Is it possible to do diagnostics with Port B? Is it worth buying a serial/usb adapter? I don't see any info about port B in the manual table of contents. Is the ISY likely fried? The LEDs light up and when I put in new SD card with 3.3.10 zip file it expanded the zip and created folders. But when I go to the expected IP it times out. Where is the ISY finder anyway? I forget. Thanks.
  8. Thanks for your help. I also left a request at smarthome forum about stickers. One member said that they do see extra labels from smarthome sometimes and when they get reconditioned items it has an "R" at the end. I will be getting another untested ISY99i on 2/16 so I will be able to try various combinations. Can you recommend a firmware version? I am using 3.3.10. Thanks.
  9. The difference between "good" PLM and "bad" PLM is after logging in to admin console. "Bad" PLM gets safe mode dialog box. It had worked previously. I tried resetting PLM without success then reset ISY without success then reset PLM again just to make sure that maybe sequence of resets was important. Only weird thing might be that firmware and console UI versions are different. I upgraded UI due to certificate problem and never restored. But it works fine with "good" PLM.
  10. A seller on ebay claims added white stickers come directly from smarthome although on top of version sticker. So these are probably reconditioned or something?
  11. So after trying factory reset unsuccessfully it's shop again or re-cap? Third time wasn't the charm? First 2412S works partially, second PLM was 2413S which I re-capped unsuccessfully (i'm not a soldering expert...btw one cap in suggested list is not longer available at mouser...i ordered something i thought had same specs but was not vertical format so I didnt use it... maybe someone could put a replacement order number?) Third PLM was 2412S that worked for 2 days. I'd buy "new" if I had confidence that I'm not investing in company using planned obsolescence for increased profits. Would prefer to see it work at "used" level first. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Also now assuming that BUG mentioned above for v2.4 means it is not worth trying to fix.
  12. Just noticed new 2412S Rev. 1.75 sticker was covering another sticker which says V2.4 0932
  13. Hopefully the ISY is not damaged. It still works with my backup PLM (which does not pass external X10 signals back to ISY). I have tried unpowering both units and powering 2412S first then connecting to ISY. Not sure how long it takes PLM to be "ready" to connect. Sounds like poor design to have PLM powering ISY but PLM must be powered first (3 stooges methodology?). What happens in a power failure? 2413S docs say unit will beep but 2412S does not beep so don't know how long to hold reset button with 2412S docs. Not sure it is a capacitor problem on new PLM since light is still on. I thought LED goes out in that case. Old PLM says firm 4A. New PLM says only Rev. 1.75 Thanks. Update: tried 2412S reset procedure from supplied link above without success
  14. And of course UD links to 2412S documentation are dead. Really getting depressed.2412S PLM LED is lit but admin console reports no PLM communication. PLM worked in test environment then I moved it to target environment and it failed. Moved it back to test environment and it failed. Smarthome no longer has 2412S documentation so I don't have troubleshooting info. I tried reset procedure for 2413S on 2412S with no improvement. I may have inadvertently plugged PLM into network instead of PortA but hard to believe that would fry PLM. Is there a troubleshooting guide for 2412S which is not communicating with ISY99i? Thanks.
  15. Thanks. I have removed the upnp_ud port forwarding entry. I figured since UD uses 443 then I would have to also. Then i realized I can get to ISY99i web server through intranet without https. I may have had a conflicting port forwardingby having port 80 fowarded to another computer at home. I use that Linux box to run apache and have a cron job to update my home IP regularly on an external server. Now if I can find a way to reconnect my router after the power goes down then I will be set for port forwarding. I tried to figure out how to reconnect with my netgear dsl router programatically but it's over my head even looking at their page source.
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