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Barry R. Guzik

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About Barry R. Guzik

  • Birthday 10/30/1965

Profile Information

  • Location
    McMurray, Pennsylvania
  • Occupation
    Technology Engineering Consultant

Barry R. Guzik's Achievements


Newbie (1/6)



  1. Thanks Michel! That makes perfect sense. It is the predetermined list then.... I can work with that, by changing to "common" terms. That makes sense why "Christmas" doesn't work and "Holiday" does work. Also makes sense why some of my names like "kitchen counter" don't work. I can work with this on my side to get things going. You were very helpful, and I REALLY appreciate it. Love my ISY + Insteon!
  2. Ok...quick question. Should this Skill work with Scenes as well as devices? Obviously, it is that time of the year...I have a Scene called "Christmas". Izzy cannot seem to find device "Christmas" no matter what I do. I've changed the scene name, I've changed the spoken name...all to no avail? On the other hand, I've been able to get individual devices to work. I only have 39 devices found, so not a whole lot. But it is kind of important that Scenes would work too? Thanks for any/all feedback and confirmation... OK...experimented a bit...if I change "Christmas" to "Holiday" it appears to work. Changed it back to "Christmas" and can't find the "device" again. Would there be some reason why it wouldn't like the single word "Christmas"? Don't want to be paranoid, but I certainly hope this isn't some kind of "politically correct" issue. Alexa is definitely recognizing the word "Christmas" but Izzy cannot find the scene if either the Scene Name or Spoken command are called "Christmas". Change it to "Holiday" and it works great...
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