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  1. gzahar's post in Question about Node Def mapping to admin console for Alarm Panel was marked as the answer   
    ST-ACP-ST-NAME = Alarm Panel Connected
    ST-ACP-GV0-NAME = System Alarm State
    ST-ACP-GV4-NAME = Bell Trouble
    ST-ACP-GV5-NAME = Battery Trouble
    ST-ACP-GV6-NAME = AC Trouble
    ST-ACP-GV7-NAME = FTC Trouble
    ST-ACP-GV8-NAME = Tamper Trouble
    ST-ACP-GV9-NAME = Fire Trouble
    ST-ACP-GV10-NAME = Zone Fault
    ST-ACP-GV11-NAME = Zone Sensor Low Battery
  2. gzahar's post in Schlage locks (BE469ZP) not notifying manual unlock was marked as the answer   
    I received the following instructions from another member that fixed mine:
    1) Z wave compatibility mode on
    2) Z wave validation off
    3) Z wave rewrite all device links
  3. gzahar's post in Replacing a deleted Notification Controller was marked as the answer   
    Restart the plug-in in PG3.  You may also need to restart the AC after that.
  4. gzahar's post in Insteon Motion Sensor II - Seeking Documentation for Device Options & Settings was marked as the answer   
    You might try these threads:
  5. gzahar's post in Program help please! was marked as the answer   
    You need to create an integer variable the represents the state of the door.  Update this variable based on YL Door State (in separate program).
    Use this variable in the IF statement of your open and close programs and not the direct YL Door State.
  6. gzahar's post in KASA device name changes was marked as the answer   
    Did you see this:
    Custom Params
    If set to true the IoX node nodes are changed to match the Kasa device names when the node server is restarted.
  7. gzahar's post in Accessing Z-Wave Device Parameters was marked as the answer   
    sys.node.[node address].BATLVL
    Use the ZW/ZY address of the device.


  8. gzahar's post in Can't select custom messages all of a sudden was marked as the answer   
    Yes, I found it will stop loading messages at the first non-used number.  It will not skip over unused numbers.  I just created messages titled spare for any missing numbers.
  9. gzahar's post in Does it work on Polisy? was marked as the answer   
    It does work on Polisy, I am using on one now.
    The actual flirc device has to be programmed to recognize the IR.  It only passes along mapped keys to the node server, so the node server never actually sees the IR information.  I have uploaded a flirc config file in one of the other threads that has the 40 ISY IR codes mapped to keys (you can you that to skip the flirc learning process).
  10. gzahar's post in Zooz ZSE 40 Motion Sensor was marked as the answer   
    Included on Polisy/Zmatter. But doesn’t complete interview. Works ok as far as I can tell.
  11. gzahar's post in ZMatter USB Internals was marked as the answer   
    You can just plug that USB module into Polisy.  You don't have to mount the board internally.
  12. gzahar's post in Please confirm whether or not IoX 5.5.3 is intended for ISY944i as well as Polisy & Eisy was marked as the answer   
    5.3.4 is latest firmware for ISY994.  You can not update to 5.5.x.  Those are only available for Polisy/Eisy.
  13. gzahar's post in WAIT statement in program was marked as the answer   
    The parameters can be updated using the Notify Sensor node that was created when the device was added (I have a 700 series ZSE40, so it is possible that node may not be created on 500 series).  Or right click a node and select Z-wave -> Set Configuration Parameter.
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