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  1. Just wanted to add that I got my Elk via @Scottmichealj and it was a great experience all around!
  2. Have you seen the project that integrates BI with DeepStack AI (which you host/manage yourself)? Haven't tried it yet but it's high on my list of things to try. https://ipcamtalk.com/threads/tool-tutorial-free-ai-person-detection-for-blue-iris.37330/
  3. FWIW, there is a separate, optional cloud version of Polyglot @Blackbird, there are a good number of folks using the cloud version to integrate with their Ecobee. There’s a separate thread for that
  4. I wanted to thank you for your advice. Putting my roommate’s lights/heating pads behind FilterLincs totally fixed the problem... haven’t seen an X10 command show up in the ISY log since then. Thanks again!
  5. I was looking for advice on if this is something I should just let ride, or something I should look to take action on: I have no X10 devices in my house, but starting about a month ago, my ISY is showing X10 events in the logs. I originally thought this might be a side effect of a failing PLM. About two/three weeks after the X10 events started appearing in the logs, some of my ISY programs were randomly failing to turn on/off SwitchLincs. My PLM was 2.5 years old, so I figured it was dying and ordered a new one. Installed the new PLM last night. Restore Modem had a problem with one of my SwitchLincs, and the little dialog box looked like it said X10 something or another when it was trying to write to it. I ended up having to restore that device. It's been working great since then. After the PLM replacement, I'm still seeing X10 commands show up in the logs, some with commands like "All Units Off" and "All Lights On". I don't know if/how the ISY reacts to these commands, if they may interfere when the ISY talking to my Insteon devices (because when they happen, there seem to be a lot of X10 commands back-to-back), etc. Thinking about anything that may have changed electrically around the house, ... my roommate is working on growing some flowers (truly just flowers) from seeds for the first time, so he has recently added three LED grow lamps (on from 8AM-midnight) and a heating pad thingy (on 24 hours) that goes under some of the plants. I've heard that grow lamps can cause "interference", but I thought it was RF and not electrical. The X10 events happen randomly, even when the lamps are turned off, so I'm wondering if the heating pad thingy he has may be introducing noise on the wires that the ISY thinks may be X10... Should I be worried about the phantom X10 commands they ISY is seeing if none of my programs look for them? Is it worth trying to filter out? Thanks for any advice! .
  6. I wish there was a Zwave sensor rated for outdoor use that was as highly recommended.
  7. For me, it'd fit in as the most universal bridge I could own for bringing Insteon and z-wave products that aren't each natively HomeKit compatible into the HomeKit world...
  8. In the process of troubleshooting an Insteon Motion Detector whose Dusk.Dawn started acting wonky (after a battery change), I started fiddling around with its Darkness Sensitivity. For comparison, I'd like to know what the initial Darkness Sensitivity setting was, but I forgot to jot it down. What's the best way to pull that info from a previous backup? I tried unzipping a backup and looking through the files, but they appeared to be binary, and I don't know how to pull data from those. This was my next plan: 1. Backup ISY 2. Restore ISY from an older backup 3. Look for setting 4. Restore ISY from backup taken in Step 1 Is there any other way for me to see the setting other than this method? Anything warnings or gotchas from doing this? Thanks!
  9. I recently installed an ELK system (thanks Scottmichaelj!), which replaced the Raspberry Pi/AMP+ solution that I've been using. I only have one in-wall speaker, so I disconnected the Pi/AMP+ and have the ELK connected. This way I get all ELK announcements/prompts/etc directly. In terms of crispness, the ELK lady sounds like she's chewing on cotton balls when she speaks (compared to the WAV files I've been using on the Pi/AMP+). I've tried both the ELK-73 Echo and ELK-SP12F Flush Mount speakers, and there wasn't any real difference in quality. Been considering adding the ELK components that let you use your own WAV files, but seems kind of spendy for what you get. Oh well. lol
  10. That's my plan. My mailbox is "just" metal (no brick) and about 60ft from the smart closet in my house where I want to put the Tag Manager. Sensors have 700ft line-of-sight range, so I guess the mailbox can block 90% of the signal and it'd still work? We'll see. Plenty of uses elsewhere if this doesn't work out.
  11. Wonder how the big the difference in "operating environments" will play for these new ones mounted outside during the winter (in areas where the temp drops below the specs). Older one: Indoor / Outdoor, 0 to 120°F. Newer one: Indoor / Outdoor, 32 to 104º F
  12. Looks like the API supports Playlists. Maybe use Kodi directly to create a Playlist for each genre, and then create a ISY NR for each Playlist?
  13. Santa was a day late, so my Sunday project got bumped to after work last night. Got everything setup and working! This is the flow of my sounds so far: Wired doors sensor > Raspberry Pi + PiFace Digital 2 > ISY > Raspberry Pi + AMP+ > ELK SP12-F flush-mount speaker Out of 30+ door tests last night, only one time did the sound take longer than one second to play. It was after a period of no activity, and it took 2-3 seconds to play. I haven't been able to recreate that delay, but I'll keep my ears open. Using the guide on post #14, the only difference I found was that some menus were slightly different on the latest OpenELEC that I downloaded. System>Settings>Web Server>Allow remote control>On System>Settings>Music>Playback>turn off Play next song were both System>Settings>Services>Web Server>Allow remote control>On System>Settings>Services>Music>Playback>turn off Play next song on mine. Manually testing the JSON requests from a web browser, one very rookie mistake I made was typing in http://ipAddress/ and then pasting one of the JSON examples from post #14. This resulted in a request that started with http://ipAddress//jsronrpc?... The extra / in front of the JSON request caused it to bomb out with a file not found, which made me focus on the end of the request where I had the filename specified. derp derp Thanatar, thanks for sharing this awesome solution for playing sounds!!! And thanks to so many others for the great ideas on how sounds can be used!
  14. I feel like an 8-year-old on Christmas Eve as I wait for USPS to deliver my Pi and HiFiBerry AMP+ today...
  15. Sold here, too! And it (along with everything else I needed) was Amazon Prime, so I'll be geeking out Sunday when it arrives. I wish If found this thread a month ago, it'd save me the hassle of having to return an Aeotec ZW056 doorbell that I'm pretty sure I'm getting as a gift for Christmas. lol
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