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Everything posted by alphapenguin

  1. something doesnt seem to be working right. https://polisy.local:8443/rest/pg3x.enable it returns: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <RestResponse succeeded="true"> <blockquote style="all: initial !important; z-index: 2147483647 !important; width: auto !important; position: fixed !important; bottom: 16px !important; left: 16px !important;"> <style type="text/css"> @font-face { font-family: 'Montserrat'; src: url("chrome-extension://daekmmlfbbfdbbhaagleepahmepoiafk/fonts/woff2/Montserrat-Medium.woff2") format('woff2'), url("chrome-extension://daekmmlfbbfdbbhaagleepahmepoiafk/fonts/ttf/Montserrat-Medium.ttf") format('truetype'); font-weight: 500; font-style: normal; } </style> </blockquote> <status>200</status> </RestResponse>
  2. I know I asked this before, and was told if I have a polisy there really is no reason for me to upgrade to the EISY its been a while, but i wanted to confirm with the brain trust here. any reason I'd want to use EISY instead? also I am noting that my POLISY /ISY has a newer firmware avaiable: 5.8.3 i am on 5.7.1 pg3-3.1.23_1 when I try to update, it goes through the process and then nothing happens. its the same. Ive tried through the UD app, my.isy.io page and the IOX java app. nada. THoughts? Alex
  3. i find this interesting. can someone give me an example on how you are/would use this function?
  4. thanks guys, I'm just trying to wrap my head around how someone is using these node servers, i.e. how one is integrating it to their smart home.
  5. I have been searching around for this answer. I think I might be searching the wrong questions/topics but can someone give me an example of how you are using the node servers with the ISY? for instance how is anyone integrating the solar edge ? alex
  6. I rebooted a few times and wouldnt work, soft reboot, unplugged power. No idea if this makes a difference, but: I migrates from ISY994 to Polisy PRO. saved a backup of the ISY994 settings. Migrated everything over (including the Portal access) to the Polisy. Portal working fine I had a old broken PLM just refurbed/repaired by INSTEON, and wanted to use the newly repaired on, but was waiting for my serial/adapter cables to come in. During this time, I had to do a reflash of my Polisy OS, which was no issues, and was able to update to most up to date Polisy OS and ISY version. (still have portal access) I finally got my cables and figured out the proper pin out etc. (had to go with the adapter. I didnt terminate the unused cables at the time). Got the insteon PLM to work (refurb one). That's when I noticed the portal was no longer connected. Multiple resets and revoking access etc, I was still getting the error: bad request. THis morning I decided to give it another go. took that DB9 RJ45 adapter and terminated the unused cable with some electric tape. Rebooted Polisy, but decided to use the old PLM that my ISY was using (it's actually newer than the repaired one, dont know if it makes a difference (repaired V2.2 2413s vs a factory V2.4 2413s). Eitherway. its back on. THanks everyone for the help! Alex
  7. Thanks! Well I didn't insulate them. I wonder if that will be a issue. Maybe short the PLM?
  8. thanks for the response. I had access earlier and now I dont. Not sure what I did. I do have local access. I went to COnfig, portal. It shows Offline, Registered I went and revoked and try to re-add the portal access. When I click on approve, it is giving me: error: bad request
  9. Ive been trying to set up my Polisy with ISY/insteon and some reason I am not connected to the portal. Anyone else?
  10. Thanks all. I didnt have a way to test continuity on the pins so I wasnt sure which corresponded with what. I did end up getting the: StarTech.com DB9 to RJ45 Modular Adapter - F/F - Serial adapter - DB-9 (F) to RJ-45 (F) - GC98FF, Black https://a.co/d/98YBVT5 in the mail today. after some reading and trial and error, I found this PINOUT: https://www.universal-devices.com/product/serial-plm-kit/ Being partially color blind it was a pain trying to figure out what the color on the right was. I thought it was red. it wasnt working, so I asked my 9 year old daughter, and she told me it was brown. Anyway, it works now. THanks Alex
  11. I am finally setting up my polisy pro to use the ISY/IoX. I had to buy a new DB9 to Rj45 cable from Amazon. I keep getting I have reset the system a few times and no go. I know my PLM works as it functions with the ISY994i OIKWAN DB9 to RJ45 Console Cable,Compatible with Cisco Router Switch CAB-CONSOLE-RJ45 https://a.co/d/fpAV4QL It seems to be a standard premade cable so I am thinking the cable is bad, the DB9 port is bad or the pinouts are correct? I bought a StarTech.com DB9 to RJ45 Modular Adapter - F/F - Serial adapter - DB-9 (F) to RJ-45 (F) - GC98FF, Black https://a.co/d/98YBVT5 And will come today. Hopefully it works. Alex
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