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Everything posted by pilotguy13

  1. Oh! I've absolutely added the device... So... I add the scene you say.. Excellent. So to not get the error messages of not allowed, or not this or not that from Alexa, would you mind expanding on the setup or example of a "proper" scene and then, am I putting the Voice command to the scene obviously. not the switch. It works as well with 3-way config switches. THanks guys!!! The deleting them and adding them back as correct. This is where I need clarity. What is correct? Who is the responder who is the controller. I always thought the actual dimmer module or switch module, or A button on an 8 button etc., would be the controller as its the one with the "red" load wire and then any other buttons would be responders in the scene? But, yes, thats the part I want to get solid. Which is which and which is which in a 3 way setup.
  2. I have just replaced a first gen inline dimmer module with a new micro dimmer module. I've successfully added in to Alexa voice "office Patio" and I've successfully linked it to a 6 button switch, button B. But... Button B doesn't illuminate when voice command is used. I've tried programming them in Scenes with both being controllers, one being a responder etc. No luck. I feel like half my house is like this however. Is there a link where its laid out whats is controller and responder? I've watched the youtube vid of setting it all up and read the forums. Both saying in this case they are controllers. Or within a 3 way switch setup they are all controllers also? Has anyone encountered the first gen stuff not playing well with the new stuff by chance? No matter what I've tried the only thing that illuminates that B button is me pressing it. Thanks
  3. For those who are trying to re-enable Alexa and do this stuff once in a "never", On the App, main Home page, at the bottom, the 3 lines, tap that, select Skills & Games, and in Search Alexa Skills, type isy, and select the appropriate one for you. For me it was the "isy optimized for smart home v3" I needed to select Re-enable, log in info entered, and then it errored saying it couldn't find anything new, but everything began working at that point.
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