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  1. Since you can't toggle outputs in the ELK M1 directly, I tried to turn on Output 2 to test my siren. I made output 1 and 2 visible, refreshed topology in ISY and the zones appeared in the ELL module of ISY. However, when I turn output 2 on in ISY, the status updates to 'ON' but nothing happens. When I do this for Output 1, my indoor siren sounds. Only difference is Output 2 is set to voltage output in ELK because its a siren instead of a speaker. I was starting to think I had a wiring issue even though ELK wasnt reporting a a supervisory problem. Then I created a rule in ELK console directly to turn on Output 2 when I open a door, and it worked with no issues. What could be preventing ISY from turning on that output?
  2. I got an RGBGenie ZW-3002 wall touch panel. I have added this device and it created several nodes. Only one, ZW 008 Basic Control 2, reports a status of 0 or 255 when I press the power button on the device. I was able to create a scene with that to turn on my zooz rgb controller but that only gives me on/off capability. None of the other buttons appear to do anything on any of the nodes. I have tried changing the "ZW 008 Multilevel Switch 2" to 26.01 Multilevel Switch Set but that didnt seem to change anything. When pressing buttons, I get activity in the event viewer so I know it's seeing something. For example, pressing the blue button I see the following: Mon 10/25/2021 07:46:58 PM : [ZWAVE-RX ZW008_1] [98/40] Security Nonce Get ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x08 Mon 10/25/2021 07:46:58 PM : [ZWAVE-TX ] ... Mon 10/25/2021 07:46:58 PM : [ZWAVE-RD ] [01110013080A3305030200032004E0012500DA]REQ ZW_SEND_DATA Is there anything else I can try? I also ordered an RGBGenie RGB z-waze controller zw-1002, in hopes that being the same brand, the touch panel will talk to the controller, but Im afraid I'll still need a hub to create the links? I've been waiting for years for a wall panel like this that will allow me to control the under-counter lights via automation AND the touch panel. This is the closest I've gotten. I had a wifi controller and wall panel but I couldnt figure out the protocol to send it network resource commands. Any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.
  3. edit: Moved to my own thread: I have the controller above as well. Also just bought the RGBGenie ZW-3002 Z-Wave wall controller and added it to ISY. There are several nodes as shown in the attached screenshot. If I had any hope of getting the two to talk to eachother, what would be the first step? Im kinda lost at the moment. Thanks FYI, Sunricher appears to be the same as the rgbgenie. They have a video how to do what im trying to do: https://youtu.be/90JI1sadfi0?t=168 Im just not sure if it'll work because the control panel is a different brand than the dimmer, and Im not sure how to "bind" the two since im using the ISY instead of the bridge in the video... https://rgbgenie.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ZW-3002-instructions.pdf
  4. I bought the GD00Z-8-GC Garage Controller. It included fine and functions nicely in the admin console. It added several nodes, Barrier, Intrusion Alarm, Tamper Code Alarm, Glass Break Sensor, and Motion Sensor, which I'm unsure of but I'll explore those later. The Barrier node properly reports status and controls the opener. It even has proper logic to only trigger when it should. For example, if the door is closed and you tell it to close, it will not open the garage. This should make for a simpler configuration compared to an Insteon I/O sensor. For starters, I'm wondering what the best way to set this up is. I connected it to Alexa and can query it by asking if it is "locked" or "unlocked" which is not optimal. I can close it by saying "lock". I have unlock disabled for obvious security reasons. I would like to use open/close instead of lock/unlock. If I create a program I can use the open/close syntax but then I will lose the query function. Any ideas on how I can set this up? Eventually, I'd like to create programs to close the door at a certain time or at least alert me so I can close it manually, but I'll get to that after I get a good working setup. Thanks for any ideas.
  5. I don't think wireshark will work for this purpose on windows at least. Something about winpcap and enabling monitor mode. All the traffic Im seeing in wireshark is from or to my laptop. Either way, I think my wap is capable because when I get the tcpdump from my WAP, I do at least see events associated with the app. If I let the app sit idle, I get no traffic. As soon as I change a color, I get an ARP request and response as follows. Subsequent color changes dont give any additional packets. I have to let it sit idle for a while before it will at least generate another ARP request. ...212 is the ipad and ...154 is the wifi-104. BZ.v3.7.29# tcpdump -n host -vvv -XX tcpdump: WARNING: eth0: no IPv4 address assigned tcpdump: listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes 12:37:10.313911 ARP, Ethernet (len 6), IPv4 (len 4), Request who-has tell, length 28 0x0000: ffff ffff ffff 74e1 b604 710b 0806 0001 ......t...q..... 0x0010: 0800 0604 0001 74e1 b604 710b c0a8 01d4 ......t...q..... 0x0020: 0000 0000 0000 c0a8 019a .......... 12:37:17.930716 ARP, Ethernet (len 6), IPv4 (len 4), Request who-has tell, length 28 0x0000: 689e 198b f57c 74e1 b604 710b 0806 0001 h....|t...q..... 0x0010: 0800 0604 0001 74e1 b604 710b c0a8 01d4 ......t...q..... 0x0020: 0000 0000 0000 c0a8 0101 .......... 12:37:17.930909 ARP, Ethernet (len 6), IPv4 (len 4), Reply is-at 68:9e:19:8b:f5:7c, length 46 0x0000: 74e1 b604 710b 689e 198b f57c 0806 0001 t...q.h....|.... 0x0010: 0800 0604 0002 689e 198b f57c c0a8 0101 ......h....|.... 0x0020: 74e1 b604 710b c0a8 01d4 0000 0000 0000 t...q........... 0x0030: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ............ ^C 3 packets captured 3 packets received by filter 0 packets dropped by kernel
  6. If the traffic is between the ipad and wifi-104, will my windows laptop still be able to pick it up? Is it able to see traffic that is not destined for it?
  7. Kinda stuck. I tried packet capture on my pfsense router but dont see any thing going to or from the IP of the wifi-104. Thinking maybe it couldnt see it because the traffic is routed through my WAP, I SSH'd into the WAP and did a tcpdump. All I saw there was a few ARP requests. I'm probably doing something wrong. I don't know much about packet sniffing. I've used wireshark a couple times for some very basic stuff like seeing what command the webserver of my autelis pool controller was sending, but that was local traffic so it was more straightforward. I've tried all the apps I could find; magic home, magic ufo, mi-light (all versions) and even a PC based program, LimitlessLEDv6. Only magic home and LimitlessLEDv6 were able to see my controller when I scanned. But neither could do anything control wise. The others failed to detect anything. Any pointers to get me started? This controller can and does turn on white and RGB at the same time by the way!
  8. Has anyone checked if the milight runs a webserver?
  9. Got the wifi-104 today. Everything hooked up and working as expected including the ipad app and touch panel. The wifi-104 actually has its own ouputs to control LED's directly but unfortunately, the wall-pad can only control the R4-5a controllers. For a minute I thought i might be able to return the r4-5a. Now onto the fun stuff. Figuring out wireshark and the data being sent. I discovered that there is an undocumented webserver running on the device. I was able to log in using admin admin. There is a button to change from chinese to english. there are some network settings and a firmware update page. In the netowrk settings it appears the device is using tcp port 8899. Once I get a little more info I'll report back.
  10. Gotcha. The nRF24L01 looks like a cool gadget. I could possibly figure out the transmission but the parts and time would cost more than just buying the WIFI-104 (which I did last night) I learned that the FPP can't yet use software PWM to bit-bang the GPIO's. Therefore, that course started to appear daunting and I don't have time to invest in it. I get the new stuff on Sunday (amazon prime) I'll try to get it connected and see if I can use my pfsense router to do some packet captures to see it looks like. Hopefully it's easily recognizable.
  11. Gotcha. Thats a different controller; not the r4-5a. If i understand correctly, i think that gizmo is basically a SACN to DMX bridge. My first concern would be ISY's ability to send SACN packets. Second would be that I'd essentially have two masters and a slave on the bus. The bridge would be a master and the wall control panel would be as well. Not sure they'd play nice together. There seems to be a little interest in making it work on the pi using FPP. I believe it can already receive DMX as a slave device and can send PWM via the GPIO's. I would need to come up with a script to do something with some TCP packets but should be doable. Here's the thread where Ive begun to float the idea. http://falconchristmas.com/forum/index.php/topic,7303.msg70453.html#msg70453
  12. The R4-5A doesnt receive DMX. It recieves the proprietary 2.4Ghz signal from the wall panel
  13. I agree. I don't like running separate computers. I could probably make it work with an arduino or particle proton instead but I'd have to weigh the cost of my time. There is a larger user base for the pi and would take less time to get it functioning on the pi but the arduino has the benefit of not being a computer, just an instant on piece of hardware, no OS to boot (or crash). I think for the $150 extra dollars Im better off just getting the wifi-104 and R4-5A controller.
  14. Yeah, I totally get that. Ive got a kpl already that sends lots of NR commands to various devices such as my autelis pool controller and my onkyo avr. Even have some NR's to turn on favorite channels via directv receiver. "Alexa, turn on minnie mouse" for my daughter, so I'm not stranger to that. It's funny hearing an almost two year old trying to talk to alexa. Im going to be in trouble when it acutally works. However, I really need a wall control with the color mixer similar to what I posted. So while, expensive I think Im going to give it a try unless I can find a way for falcon pi player to be controlled via tcp, because it does have a method for taking in dmx as an input. and i can output pwm from the pins to a simple rgbw amplifier for power injection.
  15. Am I missing something? Is there a physical method of controlling those? I need a wall mount panel that can control color and intensity. I havent found that for the $15 modules but hopefully ive overlooked this,
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