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Everything posted by slm800

  1. Thanks everyone for your inputs. I was doing a lot more research and configurations last night. I realized that the only true need I have for my cameras is to be able to automatically turn them on/off when I leave/ return and send me notifications/photos/video when it senses motion or sound, which I can do with my Insteon/Foscam ones I already have. With the help of my on/off outlets and other apps like Locative for geofencing, and the Camera plugin for MobiLinc, I think I have it down now. I was a bit confused over how all of these apps/ portals/ consoles, etc. were working together, but I guess it just sounds like none are really capable of supporting cameras to the fullest extent at the moment, but my solution will work for now.
  2. I think I just realized what it is, and I have on/off outlets that are controlling my indoor cameras so that is why they are available in my console and I can set them to come on and off as needed. I still don't understand however why my ISY portal gives me the ability to add Cameras? ...but there doesn't seem to be a way to do anything with them? What is the purpose of this? Does anyone know of any options to be able to have more flexibility with cameras? Any other connectivity options, apps, plugins, etc?
  3. I've been an ISY and Insteon user for a few years now, but just recently purchased a few outdoor cameras. I've always just used the admin console I have installed on my computer previously for all my configuration needs, but I'm finding that I can't seem to figure out how to add my new cameras to it. I have 2 other indoor cameras synced. They seemed to be able to be linked easily when I set them up. The outdoor cameras are a bit different since they dont have the ability to link automatically. I have them configured on my network and have them saved in MobiLinc Pro with port forwarding, and as such I can successfully turn them on/ off manually and view them. Part of my question is about the connectivity between the ISY portal online, the admin console and MobiLinc. I can add Cameras to the ISY portal online, but they dont show up in the admin console. I would need them to show as Devices so I can add them to Scenes, but also so that I can have them show up in the Dashboard of my MobiLinc app just like my indoor IP cameras are. Does the portal and console not sync with each other or am I missing something? So I guess I dont understand how the online portal, the admin console and the app are connected, if at all. And how can I get my cameras added to my admin console so they are considered a Device? And lastly, why are the indoor and outdoor cameras so different in ways that they can be used? Thanks for any help!
  4. Strange thing is, I can't access the IP address either from a web browser! But I can see what it is clear as day from my modem/ router admin panel! Sorry but the 2nd part of your lost me. Is there something here that I can do from within my modem/ router itself? I just happened to see a different topic on this forum for modem/ router combinations, but haven't had time to read it all. Is there a possibility that this issue is caused by that? I decided to go this route by hooking up my ISY to the modem/ router supplied by my internet provider because even though it worked when I had it hooked up to my regular Netgear router, I couldn't access my camera remotely as port forwarding wasn't working, seemingly because there were 2 "layers" of routers to go through, not just 1.
  5. I just moved recently and had to switch routers. Now that I have my ISY plugged into a new router, I cannot access my admin console or the ISY at all to reconfigure it. I've port forwarded it (see screenshot, if done correctly since I can't access the Help/About in the console) and tried to Reset/ Restore everything that I can but I just don't have any access. When I try to access the console through the local app, I get the ISY Finder: Not Found message and can't get any sort of login options. Can't see anyway to reset any IP addresses either without access. Can someone please advise as to what else I can try? Thanks;
  6. I use Mobilinc Location Controller to set the geofence.
  7. I have, what I thought was a very simple code as follows to turn my porch light on at a certain time if I was home and at a different time if I was not home, however whenever the light comes on, this code is causing the then, else to stay in a continuous loop making the light go on and off constantly. I also tried to remove the else statement as I have a different program to turn the light off if it's not within these time allowances and the light is on, but that didn't seem to work either. Can someone please advise as to what is wrong with my code here and help me understand and advise how to fix it? Thanks; Turn Light On If ( $iPhone_New Geofence is 0 And From 11:00:00PM To 7:00:00AM (next day) ) Or ( $iPhone_New Geofence is 1 And From 7:45:00PM To 1:00:00AM (next day) ) And Status 'Porch Light' is not on Then Set 'Porch Light' On Else Set 'Porch Light' Off Turn Light Off If $iPhone_New Geofence is 1 And Status 'Porch Light' is On And From 1:01:00AM To 7:44:00PM (same day) Then Set 'Porch Light' Off
  8. Ok, thanks KeviNH....I had assumed that all cameras, particularly those that I have setup through my ISY hub would be able to utilize the notifications option within the console. I'll just have to troubleshoot the admin console of my camera itself to find out more about the notifications. Its this camera that I have http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2864-222-wireless-hd-720p-ip-camera-with-pan-tilt-and-night-vision-white.html and firmware is
  9. I searched the forum and found previous questions about this, but the solution link that was provided was a dead link. I have an Insteon/ Foscam camera that has motion detection and I have it setup properly in the IP camera tool app but I never receive any notifications from it. I'm trying to see if I can do better with my ISY setup, but not sure how to code this. I don't see anything in my console to select any sort of motion detection, such as if detected, send notification to default email. I currently just have a very basic setup for my camera with a state variable that once I leave the house turn the camera on, but can someone please help me to expand on that to say that if the camera is on and motion is detected, send an email? Not seeing the option to do this or just don't know where or what to look for. Thanks;
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