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  1. Thanks!, This will make things much easier, I can test as I go. - Dave
  2. Any suggestions or heads up? We have bought a new home but will be in both for several months. Until we do the final move I will leave a core group of devices (kitchen/main living) in old house. I'm upgrading to a eisy in the new home, plus I'm gradually moving all my Insteon & Z-wave devices. It will be essentially a new set up. Can I switch the portal back and forth between houses, or is this a one and done? - Dave
  3. ISY down, portal too. Alexa working on other direct link devices.
  4. I will leave my ISY994IR with my current house which is all Insteon but I’m open to suggestions, Zwave, other. Should I even consider transferring all the switches to the new home.
  5. Thanks, EZFlora died, just ordered Rainmachine Pro-8. Now I have to start thinking about upgrading to 5.0.15a from 4.73. - Dave
  6. Well I just had to comment again about the Wife Acceptance Factor (WAF). Kaye made a comment last week about how much she has enjoyed all the new features we have on our home automation since the purchase of "that ISY thing". I have added eKeypadPro and with the other apts I have added to my iPad Kaye has really embraced our home automation. Kaye has asked several times if I could do this or that and the ISY programing features has made it easy. An example is that Kaye can water her garden or the lawn or turn the fountain on/off from the iPad. Kaye is an on/off one button kind of gal and the isy has helped me acheive that kind of simplicity.
  7. Both actually, but it is very rare (once or twice a month) and not worth trying to troubleshoot at this time. Dave
  8. SwitchLinc relay with no version number v.00 others have one like v.28 Sometimes the v.00 switches don't respond (rare). dave
  9. No matter what I tried I was having random issues with my insteon installation and the WAF was nearing the critical - I'll rip it out myself stage. Then I read a post about the ISY, I went with the IR version the installation was smooth. I had to clean up my configuration but it was simple with the ISY. Support from UDI is great the resources are great and best part is now the WAF is a AAA.
  10. I ordered one too, the Nabaztag, but did I make a mistake? Should have I ordered the Nabaztag:tag Other than the $50 what exactly is the difference? Dave
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