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  1. Thank you @larryllix... that is essentially what I have done for now. It is a simple solution.
  2. @paulbates Thank you. I saw that and having the status in Climate didn't initially make sense, but I just setup a test case using Climate and the Vacation state and it worked perfectly. @dbwarner5 I agree with your approach. Eventually, I hope to go in an integrate my own Vacation controls into my programs so that everything remains explicitly controlled by the EISY. This is will take some time... and with that in mind, detecting the state and letting the thermostat control vacation settings was a quicker solution. Using the detection to disable folders of HVAC control was just a quick solution.
  3. I want to be able to detect when my Ecobee's are in Vacation Mode. The Vacation Mode controlled my the Vacation setting in the app works great, but I have some programs that could possibly override things and I want to be able to detect the Vacation Mode being enabled so the program folders in question can be set to not run. However, when I try to determine how to detect the Vacation Mode state in EISY, I can't see how to do this. Has anyone attempted to do the same?
  4. Thank you @Ross. Your response helped me understand the basics… I was not even close to thinking age/time since last new moon.
  5. I have the Sun Nodeserver running, but the Moon Phase just reports a number... right now it is showing 18. I have looked for some documentation for this NS and I can not find a valid link. Any input appreciated.
  6. My EISY has been offline for months and this morning I decided to re-activate and update everything. No issues updating the firmware, the UI or PG3 and all appears OK, but I saw the note a few posts back about the "Z-Wave | OTA Firmware Upgrade menu items" being available. I looked at a few z-wave devices and I see nothing regarding the OTA capability. Here is a screen shot of one of the z-wave devices. Perhaps someone can comment on what I am missing.
  7. Just wanted to update. The Polisy Pro is still available. Asking $189 and the unit is available on eBay with free shipping… just search for “Polisy Pro”
  8. After further review, asking price lowered to $219. PM if interested.
  9. For Sale: Polisy Pro with Zooz ZST10 700 series S2 Z-Wave USB. This system has been great... in powered up use for about 8 months, with no problems. I decided to keep the Polisy on v5.5.4 while EISY evolved and that is where it currently remains. I am now fully committed to my EISY system, so there is no need for two controllers. Z-Wave USB and Polisy have both been Factory Reset. Asking $238 with free Priority shipping. If interested please PM message.
  10. @johnnyt I had a similar constraint when I went to try the UD Mobile SmartAdd, as I had let my trial portal license expire after shelving my efforts. However, all I did was disable the Portal connection in UD Mobile Settings for the EISY… you can always re-enable later when your license is squared away. After disabling the Portal Connection, then go down and enable Use Local Connection Only (and test it to assure it is setup OK). After that you can use UD Mobile to try the SmartAdd.
  11. @joembz Thank you for the inputs… I guess at this point, I am simply happy that the UD Mobile SmartAdd method worked with adding the ZEN17 to the EISY with ZMatter. I had tried with and without s2 security on the EISY and some of the basic nodes appeared, but I struggled with not being able to get the binary sensor to show with Parameter 2/3 setting 10. The odd thing in all of history in using the ZEN17 with Polisy and Zooz USB, I never had any issues with nodes installing (including the binary sensor) and there was no security mode inclusion on the Polisy. I tried numerous migrations from Polisy to EISY on every EISY firmware up to and including 5.6.0 and only rarely saw the binary sensor node show, but it would disappear after sync with interview. Attempts to include with security on the EISY with ZMatter worked, but the sensor nodes still did not load as expected. My EISY has been on the shelf waiting for some new insight. @Chris Jahnindicated he would continue to examine the issues I had with including the ZEN17 using the AC, but there was no timeline. Using the UD Mobile SmartAdd was the first positive result since my first migration and for that I am thankful. It was your post that encouraged me to try it, so thanks for documenting your work.
  12. I have much empathy for what @joembz has gone through as I have had the same frustration for 3 months on getting the ZEN17 to include properly to activate the sensor node and simply install correctly. My main limitation was getting Parameter 2 & 3 setup with Setting 10 and every time I would attempt inclusion I would get alarm node and basic nodes, but never the binary sensor nodes... alarm nodes do not even apply to simple parameter 2/3 setting 10 configuration. I had been doing all inclusions and exclusions with the Java AC interface and migration tools and just as @joembz had tried endless attempts so did I and nothing worked. Over the last 3 months, I had been working with @Chris Jahnand tried all of his suggestions and there were a few times I successfully achieved getting the binary sensor node to show, but the node was not persistent and with various actions they would disappear. Today, I tried the UD Mobile SmartAdd method and the very first time all the nodes for the Parameter 2/3 setting 10 configuration showed immediately and in the correct node/subnode. This was a first. Why the standard exclude/include methods failed most of the time is still a mystery. At least the UD Mobile method with scanning the QR code as shown a very positive result.
  13. Same for me. If they announce (implied) they are going to have all pre-orders shipped by 4/13 then they need to follow through or send another email with more accurate predictions.
  14. @Goose66 Thank you for your original advice. It took a little time to understand the direct communication with the API, but in the end I have the curl commands working and a version installed as a network resource. Sadly we are having too many power outages and we just had another and the commands operated as designed and the fan lights that misbehave with an outage return to normal now with the program that addresses this issue.
  15. This issue is closed. I just arrived home and I have a 3rd tool to detect faults at the main. There was apparently a power glitch. My apologies, I should have waited to post until I saw the Main Fault monitor.
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