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Everything posted by dkaleita

  1. dkaleita

    SMTP Settings

    Thanks! I followed the guidance to set up and use an "App Password". Apparently, that was the secret ingredient I needed. It appears to be working now.
  2. dkaleita

    SMTP Settings

    I used to have Emails/Notifications working just fine with my old ISY. But since I upgraded to EISY, I can't seem to find the magic. I've tried several different login accounts and SMTP servers (icloud, outlook, gmail) but all I get are these (attached) cryptic error messages. What is a "Malformed SOAP request"? What does "Change of state failed: SID not found" mean? My firmware and UI are both at loX v.5.8.0.
  3. I am using Netgear Armor to police my ORBI network for vulnerabilities, and it just doesn't like my eisy (as it formerly didn't like my polisy). The message I am receiving is: "The device is vulnerable to accepting unsecure protocols and services from cyber threats. We recommend that you check for the latest manufacturer software update." I am not using any port forwarding in my Netgear ORBI router. How concerned should I be about this warning?
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  4. I just removed all port forwarding settings from the router per suggestion. I will monitor and report back if I get any additional attack notifications.
  5. With the [optional] NETGEAR Armor software enabled, every couple hours I get a pop-up notification on my phone from my ORBI router that says: "NETGEAR Armor has detected and blocked an exploit attack on polisy from [address]" A partial list of addresses blocked so far includes,,,,,,,,,, I've gotten 42 of these notifications in the last 6 days.
  6. I recently replaced the router to which my policy is connected, and it came with a trial subscription to Netgear Armor network security software. Armor scanned every device on my network and found no security vulnerabilities on 41 out of 42 of them. The Polisy box, however, lit up the threats detected and blocked screen. Armor appears to dislike every WAN IP address that hits it- viewing them all as threats. Is this a problem? Do I need to unblock everything that comes in to Polisy? Or is Netgear Armor just fundamentally incompatible with Polisy? I'm at 38 polisy threats detected and blocked and counting in just the last few hours. NETGEAR Armor | Powered by BITDEFENDER | Premium Online Protection
  7. dkaleita

    Run At Startup

    Quick question: If you set a program to "Run At Startup", which branch of the program actually runs- IF, THEN, or ELSE? [I'm hoping the answer is "THEN"].
  8. I'm trying to write a program to illuminate a button on a KeypadLinc if ANY of the lights in my basement are on. [in other words, the KeypadLinc button would go dark if and only if ALL of the lights in my basement have been switched off]. I want to be able to tell at a glance whether I've left some lights on in my basement, which is covered by four scenes, with each scene containing 3 or 4 insteon SwitchLincs. I've got it mostly working, but it's a horrifically complicated thing involving a variable to keep count of whenever any lamp is switched on or off, several flags, and several programs, each containing a very long string of OR statements (one OR for each light switch). Can anyone think of a simpler way to do this? For example, is there a simple way to directly detect whether or not EVERY member of a scene has a status of OFF?
  9. I just bought and installed two more 6-button KeypadLincs. One of them appears to have a stuck "grouping" between button B and the main ON button. When I press button B once, it turns the correct linked device on. But when I press it a second time, instead of button B toggling off, it turns on the main ON button (and load). When I press button B a third time, it finally toggles off, but leaves the main On and load turned on. If I press the main ON and OFF buttons by themselves, everything works fine. In other words, the problem only appears when pressing button B. I tried doing a factory reset at the switch, and also a Reset Buttons Grouping in the UDI Administrative Console.That disabled all links to external devices, but the weird behavior between button B and the main ON button continues. Doing a Restore Device in the Console puts all of the links back, but still doesn't fix the problem. Is there something else I can try to fix this problem, or is my new KeypadLinc just Defective?
  10. The whole point of my post was to figure out why the DNS Relay feature that my router was advertised as having simply wouldn't work. I decided to try completely resetting all router settings to factory default and starting over by reinstalling the router using the original "quick setup" cd that came with it. I tried this once before by saving the confing.bin file and then reloading it after the factory reset- but that didn't make the problem go away. So this time I saved screen shots of every settings page/tab that I had changed something on, and then manually re-entered everything exactly the same as I had it before. It worked! Apparently there was some hidden thing that was stopping the DNS Relay feature from working, and that got cleared when I reset the router to factory settings. Whatever it was gets saved in the config.bin file when you save your router settings to a file, so it appears that there is no easy way to fix this problem if you've got it. In any case, I put the NTP server back to pool.ntp.org, didn't change a thing in my alert settings using my gmail smtp server, and everything is now working as it should. Thanks for all of the advice.
  11. Using in place of pool.ntp.org works for synchronizing time. Here is 26 seconds of my router's log, during which time I did a NTP synchronize to and attempted a test e-mail alert: [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:38 2010 Log viewed by IP address [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:38 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:38 2010 Blocked incoming UDP packet from to [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:37 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:36 2010 Previous message repeated 1 time [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:36 2010 Lease renewed by client 0011D90A02F0 [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:35 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:34 2010 Previous message repeated 1 time [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:33 2010 Lease renewed by client 0011D90B9EA9 [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:33 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:33 2010 Blocked incoming UDP packet from to [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:32 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:31 2010 Previous message repeated 1 time [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:31 2010 Lease renewed by client 0011D90A02F0 [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:30 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:29 2010 Previous message repeated 1 time [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:28 2010 Blocked incoming UDP packet from to [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:28 2010 Lease renewed by client 0011D90B9EA9 [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:28 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:26 2010 Previous message repeated 2 times [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:26 2010 Lease renewed by client 0011D90A02F0 [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:25 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:24 2010 Previous message repeated 1 time [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:23 2010 Lease renewed by client 0011D90B9EA9 [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:23 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:21 2010 Previous message repeated 2 times [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:21 2010 Lease renewed by client 0011D90A02F0 [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:20 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:19 2010 Previous message repeated 1 time [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:18 2010 Lease renewed by client 0011D90B9EA9 [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:18 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:18 2010 Blocked incoming UDP packet from to [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:17 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:16 2010 Previous message repeated 1 time [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:16 2010 Lease renewed by client 0011D90A02F0 [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:16 2010 Blocked incoming TCP connection request from to [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:15 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:14 2010 Previous message repeated 1 time [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:13 2010 Lease renewed by client 0011D90B9EA9 [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:13 2010 Log viewed by IP address [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:13 2010 Lease renewed by client 0021B9003D2D [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:13 2010 Blocked incoming UDP packet from to [iNFO] Sun Mar 21 13:25:12 2010 Log cleared by IP address Key: is the computer I'm using is the ISY-99 is a HD TiVo is a HD TiVo Is it normal for a client to requesting a DHCP lease renewal every 1-2 seconds?
  12. I have ready every thread I can find in this forum about how to get things working when you are experiencing DNS Errors when trying to syncronize ISY-99i time with the pool.ntp.org server or send a test e-mail alert. And I [think] I've carefully tried every applicable suggestion made in those threads. And yet I still cannot get these to work. All I get are DNS Error messages. So I thought I'd spell out my setup and everything I've tried in detail just in case someone can recognize what I'm mdoing wrong. First of all I should mention that yesterday I switched my ISP from comcast.net to wowway.com, and the problem was not affected. I also tried using first a D-Link DGL-4300 router, and then changed to a D-Link DIR-655 with everything set exactly the same- and I have the same problem with both of them. On the router's Status/Device Info page (regardless of which router I use) I show the following settings: WAN (I believe these are set by the connection to my ISP): Connection Type: DHCP Client Cable Status: Connected Network Status: Established IP Address: 2X.192.XX.X00 Subnet Mask: Primary DNS Server: Secondary DNS Server: LAN (as set by me): [Router] IP Address: Subnet Mask: I have "Enable DNS Relay" selected (i.e., turned ON), but I have also tried it disabled with no difference in symptoms. I have A DHCP reservation for my ISY-99 set for, and that part is working fine. I also have a Dynamic DNS server set up to effectively give me a fixed IP address so I can log in to the ISY-99 from anywhere outside of my house, and that is also working perfectly. I also have a DHCP reservation set up for my Network Attached Storage NAS) unit at In case anyone cares, this is a Netgear ReadyNAS NV, which is also capable of sending alerts- and it does so perfectly when I use the following settings to access a mail server: SMTP server: SMTP.gmail.com SMTP port: 587 User: myemail@gmail.com Password: ******** From: myemail@gmail.com Login Type: auto (other choices are "plain, login, cram.md5, digest.md5, gssapi) Use TLS: Yes (checked) Use STARTTLS: Yes (checked) Sending a test message to from the ReadyNAS NV to my hotmail account via gmail works every time. My ISY-99 is running firmware version 2.7.13. On the Configuration tab, I have entered the following settings: Network Settings: Automatic DHCP: YES (checked) IP Address: already correctly appears as Http Port: 80 Https Port: 443 NTP Server is enabled (checked) and is set for pool.ntp.org. But THERE IS AN EXCLAIMATION POINT IN FRONT OF THE NTP SERVER, and when I click on Synchronize Now, I gat the following error messages: "[-10103] Userid not found [n/a]" "[-60001] NTP server DNS error [pool.ntp.org]" SMTP Settings: Use Default: NO (unchecked) SMTP Server: smtp.gmail.com SMTP Port: 587 User ID: myemail@gmail.com Password: ******** From: myemail@gmail.com Timeout (ms): 1000 Use TLS: YES (checked) When I click on Test (twice) to try to send a test alert to my hotmail account, I get the following error messages: "[-10103] Userid not found [n/a]" "[-50010] Mail server DNS error [null]" I am assuming that e-mail alerts aren't working because of the same DNS error problem as with the NTP server access. So what the heck am I doing wrong?
  13. I have no expectations one way or the other. I am simply asking a question. These were links that were in my devices prior to purchasing my ISY-99i. Upon purchasing the ISY-99 and linking all of my devices to it, all of those links in the devices still worked, but the ISY-99i did not know about them. It sounds like you're telling me that I should have erased all of those pre-existing links in the devices and started over when I got the ISY-99. Is that correct?
  14. I have noticed that none of the links that I've set up directly between Insteon devices (programmed at the devices themselves) are showing in my ISY topology. Am I missing some setup step as I add Insteon devices to my setup, or is this a capability that the ISY-99i (with version 2.7.0 firmware) doesn't have? This has become a problem as I've started replacing my SwitchLinc v.35 units to solve communication problems. When I replace these using the Replace function in the v2.7.0 firmware, the iSY scenes that I've set up get transferred to the new SwitchLincs just fine, but any direct links that I've established between the old SwitchLincs and other devices (like for 3-way switch operation) are gone after the replacement.
  15. Ah, I see! I guess I had a basic misunderstanding of how to implement a flag. I'll give it a try.
  16. I never actually run the programs called "Security Night Flag" or "Halloween Flag"- I only check to see if they are enabled (flag set) or disabled (flag not set). The two programs/code samples in my post above are called, respectively, "30 Minutes After Sunset 1" and "30 Minutes After Sunset 2". They are NOT enabling and disabling themselves, if that's what you thought I was doing. For example, here are the programs, called "Security Night On" and "Security Night Off", respectively, that I am using to set and clear the "Security Night Flag' If X10 'A13/On (3)' is Received Then Enable Program 'Security Night Flag' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If X10 'A13/Off (11)' is Received Then Disable Program 'Security Night Flag' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Are you saying that I should not be using Enable and Disable, but rather, run them as Then or Else, as appropriate? Would this explain the malfunction that I am experiencing?
  17. I'm trying to write a program (or set of programs) that will accomplish the following: At 30 minutes after sunset (except on Halloween), check to see if I've already armed my security system, and if so, turn on one scene (set of lights). But if the security system is not yet armed, then turn on two scenes. I am using my HAI OmniPro II (which unfortunately only talks X10) to transmit an X10 ON signal when I arm my security system, and an X10 OFF command when it is disarmed. I have a properly working ISY program that sets or clears a flag (enables or disables a program called "Security Night Flag") accordingly. I do a similar thing for detecting Halloween (October 31). I couldn't think of a way to do this in one program, so I wrote two: If Time is Sunset + 30 minutes And Program 'Security Night Flag' is True And Program 'Halloween Flag' is False Then Set Scene 'Outdoor Lights' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Time is Sunset + 30 minutes And Program 'Security Night Flag' is False And Program 'Halloween Flag' is False Then Set Scene 'Outdoor Lights' On Set scene 'Security Lights' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') My problem is that, every night at exactly 30 minutes past sunset, BOTH scenes get turned on regardless of the enabled/disabled state of 'Security Night Flag'. It all seems pretty straightforward to me. What am I missing? Or is my ISY-99 somehow malfunctioning?
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