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Everything posted by jacmath

  1. Thank you, it worked. I didn't thought about that.... Jack
  2. Hi Hello Today, I try to connect to my ISY994i and I received the following error message: “Discovering Nodes; Retry” and for a few hours I have been trying to understand the reason even after trying several times. However, I have not made any changes to my Windows 10 operating system since the last successful connection. I also tried to restore the ISY with a recent backup file without success. Can you help me solve this problem? Thank you ! Jack
  3. and I just ran the programs you suggested to me and everything is working wonderfully thank you again Jack
  4. What I want precisely is when I arrive in a radius close to the house that the garage light comes on after the sunset for a period of 30 minutes. The radius is already managed by the Locative app. Thanks Jack
  5. Hello Sorry, but I cannot properly configure a simple program. I created an occupancy node that works great with the locative app. When I'm home it say “in” and when I'm outside it say “out”. Now, how in a program that involves the status of this node, can I trigger it only when the status is changing from out to in and then for example turn on a light outside at sunset? The following program turns the light on even though I am at home. Should I use a program with variables ? Help please Thank you .. Jack If 'home' Occupied is True And From Sunset - 15 minutes To Sunrise + 15 minutes (next day) Then Set 'Light Garage' On Wait 30 minutes Set 'Light Garage' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press
  6. You were right. My SwitchLinc was a controller of a different scene, probably by mistake. everything is working fine now Thanks for your help
  7. Thanks I've tryed but the Isy UDI browser didn't let me add the main switchlinc as a controller. I do not know if this has an impact, but I must tell you that the main switchlinc is also a reponder for an other controller
  8. Hi I have just installed a keypad 6 buttons dimmer switch. I have created through my my ISY, 4 différents scenes with the 4 secondary buttons. All scenes are working well, except where for example , a light has been turn off or on with the main switchlinc or a program : The according keypad button does not sync with the light status How can I solve that problem the easiest way. Thanks Jack
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