Misplaced paper with notes on changed sign in user/password. Trying to follow this guide for ISY994i using Java/Admin Console: Resetting Userid/Password Before you proceed with the procedure below, you will need to retrieve the MAC address of the device. Refer to 4.4.1 for locating the MAC address. Note: I located MAC address in my Comcast router To reset your userid and password please follow the steps as outlined below: • Disconnect PLM from the ISY. Note: I powered down ISY other area of manual states not to unplug/plug PLM into ISY while powered • Telnet to ISY Question does this mean disconnect from router, makes no sense? • Enter MAC address as both the userid and password at login prompt Note: can't do that while powered down or disconnected from router so left router connected. Entered MAC address at prompt = failed • Wait 45 seconds (or until you see "Please connect PLM message") Note: due to failed msg never occurred. • Plug PLM back in Note: other area of manual states not to unplug/plug PLM into ISY while ISY powered • Log in again using admin/admin Note: There is a timeout of 5 minutes for the PLM to get plugged back in. If timed out, the userid and password are not reset.
Confusing, so do I:
1. Leave ISY on while disconnecting the PLM?
2. Leave ISY connected to router? [seems logical]
3. Enter MAC in userid & password fields. If it fails?
4. Wait for PLM connect msg and connect PLY while ISY powered on?
5. Log in admin/admin
6. Never forget useid/password again!
Note; I have a backup copy of the ISY settings/programming I've done.
Thank you,