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  1. Mug

    Lost user/password

    Brian H - Worked like a charm. Jon.. Telnet stated not a command but since Brian's worked I'm back in business. Thanks to both of you. MUG
  2. Mug

    Lost user/password

    Misplaced paper with notes on changed sign in user/password. Trying to follow this guide for ISY994i using Java/Admin Console: Resetting Userid/Password Before you proceed with the procedure below, you will need to retrieve the MAC address of the device. Refer to 4.4.1 for locating the MAC address. Note: I located MAC address in my Comcast router To reset your userid and password please follow the steps as outlined below: • Disconnect PLM from the ISY. Note: I powered down ISY other area of manual states not to unplug/plug PLM into ISY while powered • Telnet to ISY Question does this mean disconnect from router, makes no sense? • Enter MAC address as both the userid and password at login prompt Note: can't do that while powered down or disconnected from router so left router connected. Entered MAC address at prompt = failed • Wait 45 seconds (or until you see "Please connect PLM message") Note: due to failed msg never occurred. • Plug PLM back in Note: other area of manual states not to unplug/plug PLM into ISY while ISY powered • Log in again using admin/admin Note: There is a timeout of 5 minutes for the PLM to get plugged back in. If timed out, the userid and password are not reset. Confusing, so do I: 1. Leave ISY on while disconnecting the PLM? 2. Leave ISY connected to router? [seems logical] 3. Enter MAC in userid & password fields. If it fails? 4. Wait for PLM connect msg and connect PLY while ISY powered on? 5. Log in admin/admin 6. Never forget useid/password again! Note; I have a backup copy of the ISY settings/programming I've done. Thank you, MUG
  3. LeeG Yes, External Internet was the question. Thank you for the error explanation. jerlands Your directions worked great - Thank You.
  4. New to ISY994i and I look forward to diving into it once I understand the basics. I do have a couple of questions; 1. In the Administrative console Main Tab/Network/Isy I see all my modules in a red color. Does this mean they are linked to the ISY? I could not find anything about color indicators in programs in the user manual. 2. “Note: Unlike Scenes, Programs require that the ISY be online in order to function.” Does this mean it must be connected to some type of 'home base' constantly via the internet. I thought that the ISY was a stand alone controller. I do notice that the network lights on the back are blinking. I ask this because none of my programs run. Example program in the Programs Tab; If From Sunset – 2 minutes To 12:45:00PM (same day) Then Set 'Living Room Can' On Else Set 'Living Room Can' Off Thank you, MUG
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