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Everything posted by autoperformance

  1. Hello everyone. I have an ISY1994i pro with firmware 5.0.16C. I had to do a factory reset because I was no longer able to connect via Admin Console. In short, everything returned to normal afterwards and I reinstalled my backup. However, my UD Mobile application no longer works. After doing a LOG out and LOG IN the message firmware 5.0.16 not compatible. However, I did not change the firmware or update the UD Mobile application. Has anyone had this problem?
  2. Hello, I have an isy 994 IR Pro and after 4 years of good operation, suddenly all my Z-Wave devices stopped working. I have Insteon devices which work fine. At first, I was able to get the status of my Z Wave Devices. On the other hand, I was not able to give them instructions. 24 hours later, nothing works. In the Admin Console, all Z-Wave devices are marked with a red exclamation point. Does anyone have an idea of the problem?
  3. Hello, I would like to make a small program to warn me when the front door of the house garage remains open for more than 30 min. I have a child who has a little ADD and he sometimes leaves the front door open. Since it's a door that goes through the garage, sometimes you realize it the next morning. So, I have an ELK security system and purchased the module for the ISY994. So I can select the door status sensor. However, I have no idea how to write this kind of program. Thank you for helping me. I tried this and it doesn't work. Garage doors stay open If Elk Zone 'Front Garage Door' 'Physical Status' is Open Then Wait 30 minutes Send Notification to 'Front garage door left OPEN' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  4. Why ajuting the ramp rate
  5. What do you mean with play with fire?
  6. Everything works fine now. Thank you
  7. Hi larryllix I try that and the program run only once and stop... "One Flash only" Flooding flashing light Copy - [ID 0014][Parent 0001] If From 12:00:01AM it's for test... I will change later To 11:59:59PM (same day) same above Then Set 'Flooding light group' Fast On Set 'Flooding light group' Fast Off Repeat 1000 times Wait 1 second Repeat 1 times Wait 1 second Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') For the water valve, it's a reverse logic. It's "ON" instead "OFF" because the output of the ELK system are activated to close the valve. For the main leak program it's this : Leak Sensor Kitchen - [ID 0007][Parent 0001] If 'Leak Sensor Kitchen-Wet' Status is On Then Send Notification to 'Leak Sensor Kitchen' Set Elk Output 'Water Valve' On Run Program 'Flooding flashing light' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Don't know the problem to be honnest. Try many thing, always same problem.
  8. Hello everybody. I would like to make a program to flash interior lights, when a leak detector is activated. I'm not sure how to start. I made a flood light indicator group scene, but I have difficulty programming a program that will be activated in another program. For example, (flashing light program) enabled in Leak detection program. I would like it to flash every 1 to 2 seconds until the sensor is reset to "DRY" position. I already have a main water valve shutoff that closes, and email notification when there is a leak. I would like to embed a line that points to a program that flashes lights ideally. Maybe I'm wrong and it's not the right way to go. I await your suggestions. thank you
  9. Hello everyone, I spoke with Michel Kohanim about the Polisy. He tells me that it is not necessary to upgrade my Z-wave 300 module, since if I can wait a bit, a Z-wave USB stick will be compatible with the Polisy by the end of 2021, or early 2022. If so, the Z-Wave module on the ISY will be obsolete. Again, as you say, it doesn't seem to have any use for bluetooth or WI-FI. Is the WI-FI antenna used for better reception between the router and the polisy? Anyway, I'll probably take the base version, if the internals are the same as the Pro model. I thought it had a difference in the Basic and Pro version as for the ISY. Thanks for your help. It's very appreciated.
  10. So... with the future of polisy, I guess it would be better to invest in this module than buy a rasberryPi? Is there a Polisy model to favor? Thank you for your help! ?
  11. Is it possible to add nodes without the polisy module? All videos on YouTube is with polisy.
  12. Sorry about the misunderstanding. I have an ISY994I pro Zwave with 300 module. I had to pay to have control over my phone with Mobilinc, and I had to pay for ISY994I to work with my ELK security system. i have version 4.9 firmware. I wouldn't teach anyone that the multiple wifi modules on sale at costco are enticing with two wall switches for $ 19.99. Also, I'm not sure what's going on with insteon which seems to be out of stock and if you plug in a small cheap cell phone charger or a led bulb, the wall switch may have erratic operation. So, I prefer Z-wave for its reliability. But at $ 59.99 the wall switch is not cheap. So is it possible to control my Wi-Fi devices like Sonoff? If so, what should I do, and what do I need. I don't know anything about communication between the different smart switch protocols. I don't know anything about nodes and how they work. Thank you for your help. I learn quickly, but I want to be guided a bit on the things to do.
  13. Hello everyone with an explosion of multiple Wi-Fi devices, MyQ garage door ... Sonoff etc. Is it possible to be able to control everything via Universal device? If yes, how? I don't want to have to spend $ 100 for each mod that will control a brand. And I don't want endless monthly fixed fee systems.
  14. It's a little bit different for the US Solid I think. The valve need to reverse polarity. With no commun ground wire. So I think I will need a relay with 2 NC and 2 NO to do a reverse polarity relay.
  15. Where I connect the wsv? On the programmable output at de middle right On the elk panel ? The USS WSV need to reverse polarity to open or close. I'm not sure how to connect the valve and the other 3 wires that indicate the position of the valve. Surely useful to see a problem? I have the M1 Touch app on my phone to have notifications and other alerts. My big headache is to reverse the polarity to be honest ???
  16. Ok I will buy 4 wire GRI2600
  17. I found this in my basement. The Elk could work with this kind of leak sensor? Direct Plug-In ?
  18. Ok test done 46mA during the opening or closing state, and 3mA totally closed or totally open. Not a big deal! Seem well made and 3 other wire for state of the valve. If I do an automatic cycle each month to avoid the valve to stick, this thing will do the job.
  19. Ok Tonight I do some test with the USS water shutoff valve with 5 wires. And It seem to be like ELK Valve de-energize when it full open or totally closed. I will test with my amp meter to be sure and come back with the result.
  20. Question about GRI water leak sensor. How to you connect that to Elk Panel ? Do I need other module between sensor and ELK Panel ? I think I will do like you said. Water Leak It's security thing. Thank you for your help again very appreciated.
  21. Elk speaker sound/speak/notify you “Water Leak Detected in X” - very good idea!??? And yes I have M1XEP and notification?
  22. Ok same little I/O link you can use for old torch lamp ? Good to know. Bad the Elk pannel can't be used. The fact the battery backup can be use even during a power outage it's a good thing.. https://www.insteon.com/on-off-micro-module So, you tell me that the module is worth the amount? I could use my 5 insteon sensors without problems? https://www.insteon.com/leak-sensor
  23. So I really need the $99 security to do with I want to do? https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series_INSTEON:ELK_Security_Module
  24. I DON'T Have $650 usd just for a valve unfortunately.
  25. I have the Elk M1 Gold system with Ethernet module. But the valve is a stainless steel US SOLID 5 wires valve.
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