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  1. JP

    Motion Detector II

    Thanks Techman, it is not the write up that I was looking for but it may help as well. Thanks again! JP
  2. A while back (think in terms of years), there was a write up of the options for the Motion Detector II. It was an unofficial write up from UDI and not Insteon or SmartLabs. It detailed out what each option controlled whether it was supported or not. I can't find the writeup searching the wiki or the forum. Can anyone point me in the direction of it? Thanks, JP
  3. I was unable to submit this ticket for support but I was able to open another one. Problem resolved.
  4. Problem was resolved, apparently to USB to serial cable was bad and I was sent a replacement. I had some additional problems but I worked with UD support and they were handled.
  5. atomicboy. I do not use MobiLinc HD, just the simple, non HD, version. Thanks for suggestion.
  6. I removed power from the eisy for over an hour and it did not work, the PLM is not connected.
  7. I doubt that it is a bad PLM because I can swap it back to the ISY994 and it works fine as it has for years. The status of the PLM is not connected. As for the error log, here it is:
  8. Yes, the Insteon Support box is checked.
  9. I am trying to migrate from my ISY to EISY and it is not talking to the PLM. I have the EISY loaded with my current ISY software and I can communicate with it via the Admin Console. but it is not getting anything from the PLM. I have the UDI serial interface cable. I have tried every USB port on the EISY just in case. Just for kicks I tied to Restore the PLM and I get the following message: Sat 03/11/2023 01:14:10 PM : [PLM ] PLM not initialized, command not sent Any suggestions? JP
  10. JP


    Ahh except that the serial to USB conversion cables are Out of stock......
  11. No this isn't a browser issue, I had to click on reCAPTCHA boxes in other web pages yesterday without a problem. Thanks for everyone's suggestions but I figured out my problem so I don't have to open support ticket now.
  12. Thanks, I will try this.....
  13. No, I'm on a desktop PC using Firefox for my browser.
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