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Everything posted by jimg

  1. Thank you Bumbershoot, larryllix, palayman for the sources. Today, I was able to order a few Insteon devices from both Aartech and Orchestrated Home. Jim
  2. lilyoyo1, I hope you're correct. While SmartHome has issues, I have found the Insteon controls to be a worthwhile investment and I would like to extend that investment by being able to purchase new and/or replacement controls in the future. I have begun to investigate other alternatives (zwave, lutron, etc.), but just thinking about the effort to go around replacing 100+ in-wall controls makes me sweat. There are any number of posts here on the UDI forums about other systems besides Insteon, so I am grateful for those helpful resources. See also for a related thread of discussion. Perhaps I should have put my post there. Oh well. Jim
  3. Does anyone else get the sense that Insteon is being discontinued by Smarthome? They no longer offer the toggle-style wall switches. They no longer offer the micro modules (confirmed by telephone). The 6-button keypads are only available in limited colors. The 2413S powerline modem -- which is a KEY COMPONENT for home automation with the ISY series of controllers -- is no longer available. So it seems that fewer and fewer Insteon products are available. I don't think it's a temporary stock-out situation based on a phone call to Smarthome, but I could have gotten the wrong impression. Not that I really care because I only have about a hundred Insteon devices and three ISY controllers in two homes, representing an Insteon investment of thousands of dollars over ten years. ? Jim
  4. I found a workaround (not the real solution) to this problem. My workaround gets me what I need, while not necessarily "fixing" the issue of some KPL button presses being "heard" by the ISY99i and others not. To recap, the problem is that the ISY99i doesn't hear button presses from certain (some) KPLs, even though the ISY can query them just fine, and can control them just fine. The workaround is to write two "programs" in the ISY99i. The first is a polling program which runs continuously and repeatedly "queries" the KPLs that I want to monitor. The query look program reads something like this: Repeat every (minute? two minutes? Five... etc.) Set 'Favorite KeypadLinc' Query Run Program 'Adjust something else' (If) Note that this program has no conditions, and I have it set to "Run at Startup." Thus it is a never-ending loop. The second program, referred to as 'Adjust something else' reads something like this: If Status 'Favorite KeypadLinc Btn A' is On Then Set 'Living Room Thermostat' 70 (Heat Setpoint) Send X10...etc. Else Set 'Living Room Thermostat' 65 (Heat Setpoint) Send X10...etc. ...end code... The "Then" and "Else" can be anything; I just used a simple example here. What is relevant here is that every my ISY queries the KPL whose buttons I need to see, and updates its local copy of the status of that KPL's status. From there, it's easy to run appropriate programs to send Insteon or X10 commands based on those buttons. Hope someone out there finds this useful. Thanks, Jim
  5. Hi Michel, Unfortunately, no, I have never experienced lights turning themselves on/off at unexplained times. Thank goodness that's not going on as well. I will try moving them around, as you suggest, but the reasons I suspect that noise is not the issue are: 1) programming them (into and remove from scenes) not a problem. 2) controlling them from ISY: not a problem 3) holding down the button (DIM/BRIGHT) works ok, ISY hears that 4) I can reproduce the problem with the KPL and ISY connected to the same circuit breaker 5) I can show a "heard" KPL and an "ignored" KPL wired to the same branch: one works, the other doesn't. It has to be some idiosyncratic behavior of the KPL. This scares me because I have about FORTY of the KPLs installed! Thanks, Jim I'll let you know if/when I come up with more info.
  6. Hi Michel and others, Running ISY-99i/IR Pro with Release 2.7.6. Scenes working fine, and virtually all of my 6-button KPLs and toggle-linc dimmers (along with some relays) can be controlled by the ISY. I can program the scenes through the ISY, and can read status of everything through the ISY. But I was wondering why certain button-presses on the KPLs would not work as an "IF" condition to trigger a program. It is as if the ISY can't hear the KPL. So, I thought, perhaps we have a communications issue. Tried plugging the ISY into the same branch circuit breaker as some of my KPLs. Guess what? It can hear some of them, but not others! (by watching the Event Viewer, and by putting the different buttons into the "IF" control... section of programs). So I explored a little bit further into the KPLs that the ISY seems to not hear. The ISY can read their status, can put them into (and take them out of) scenes, and can remotely control them (on/off/dim/bright). As it does all of these things, you see the activity in the Event Viewer. Keep in mind that all of these actions were initiated by the ISY. The problem is button pressing on the KPL itself. Well, the ISY does not hear a single-tap "On" or "Off" command, but (and this is indeed strange) it CAN hear a "Brighten" or "Dim" command that is sent when I hold the button down for a while. (Have not tried "fast on/fast off" double-taps yet.) And this behavior goes for both the big on/off buttons at the top and bottom of the 6-button KPLs and the four auxiliary (A-B-C-D) buttons in between. Interestingly, on other KPLs that do not display this problem, any single-tap "On" or "Off" command is heard by the ISY and programs are triggered as would be expected, and the activity is displayed in the Event Viewer. The "Universal Devices Administrative Console" reports the devices as "(2486D) KeypadLinc Dimmer v.2D" and is consistent for all of them -- the ones that ISY hears and the ones it doesn't hear. If this has been addressed in later releases of the ISY-99i firmware please advise. I have not upgraded that yet because of all the various postings about the issues with 2.7.9 and I'm holding off 2.7.10 pending testing and release etc. Curious if this is a known issue. Thanks, Jim
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