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Everything posted by bill02888

  1. Did this Wiki update take place? If so, where is it? Thanks, Bill
  2. I've only got a few simplistic programs controlling the 3 Insteon devices that I currently have. I'm considering expanding my system so I'm trying to get a better understanding of how the If works and, in particular, I'm trying to wrap my head around when (and how) the ELSE condition executes. My background: I wrote my first programs (on programmable calculators) back in the late 70s. Been a programmer/analyst since the mid 80s. If I have "If Time is Sunrise THEN Run Program X ELSE Run Program Y", I know that the THEN portion is executed AT (or at least very close to) Sunrise. I'm just not clear on when the ELSE runs. Clearly it doesn't run every millisecond that it's NOT sunrise. Is every If statement's condition evaluated whenever any part of the condition changes, and the corresponding THEN or ELSE is run ONLY when the entire condition transitions from true to false or from false to true? I have none of my programs set to Run At Startup. What sort of evaluation and processing is done after a power failure for non-Run At Startup programs? I may use the ISY to control various aquarium equipment and want to make sure that everything resumes correctly after a power failure. Are there any particularly pesky situations I should be aware of in which I might consider creating Run At Startup programs to re-test and re-set certain program states? Thanks, Bill
  3. Thanks to the OP for posing this question! I was having the same problem; my RemoteLinc keys 1, 2, and 3 were being tracked by the ISY but keys 4, 5, and 6 were being completely ignored. Now I see it's because the PLM wasn't tracking their status. I used Restore Device for the missing buttons and now the ISY sees on and off from all 6 RL buttons! (I did have to repeat the process several times because the RL sometimes exited programming mode unexpectedly/prematurely part way through the process.) Thanks to all! Bill
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