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  1. Yes, I already changed it, thanks. Any ideas on Locative not working??
  2. I get this message when I use it in a browser... Cannot GET /api/ifttt/Away/key/adc3ee56-421c-44c1-9350-0e16a719e4ec
  3. Speaking of Locative, is anyone else having problems? It appears to have stopped responding on Feb 4th or 5th. It doesn't even respond to the Send Test-Request.
  4. Thanks, can't wait to get home and try it.
  5. So let me make sure I understand that. If I plug one of my Sonos into the Dot it plays the music on all of the Sonos speakers? It would now have full voice control...."Alexa. play Sting on Pandora" would give me whole house sound?
  6. Ok, setup was a breeze as with the Echo. The Dot is even smaller than I expected. So I was standing where both could hear me and they both answered all of my questions. When I asked Alexa to play 'Sting', each device played a different song. Hmmmmm...
  7. All is well now, as you mentioned it was an issue with installing MobiLinc Connect. Michael got me squared away this weekend and now I have most of my devices on ISY, Echo funtionality and MobiLinc access. Life is good. Thanks all for the help.
  8. I was reading some of your posts in a different thread. I have MobiLinc and have the Portal Integration - Mobilinc. It sounds like this may be an issue? I wasn't aware there isn't a phone app for ISY so I went with Mobilinc. However, I don't want to have it at the expense of not using the ISY Portal for Echo integration. Does it have to be one or the other? The whole portal thing is confusing to me...
  9. No change using a static IP
  10. Yes, the Firmware version is the same as my UI version. Not sure what I'm looking for concerning .jnlp but didn't find anything to download.
  11. It uses DHCP and I have unplugged the power to it, my cable modem and my router as some others have suggested.
  12. I have rebooted the world and nothing works. What I just noticed is that the ISY Portal is not listed on the Help/About Product list. It is also not shown in the Configuration/Portals tab. Is that normal? I could swear I saw it listed there before. Yet it shows as Active under my purchased modules and I certainly can log into it. Just keeps saying ISY is not online and hasn't been since 4:01 Saturday morning. This was supposed to be my day setting things up w Alexa...lol
  13. I'm still offline. Reboots have not helped. I just purchased my portal this weekend. Says it's been offline since 4:01am. Any ideas???
  14. My portal still says ISY offline. I have rebooted the ISY several times. Anyone have any ideas??
  15. My Echo starting responding with "ok" again yesterday.
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