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  1. CoolToys's post in status is "Ready to Arm" when Elk is not ready to arm was marked as the answer   
    @Geddy, Sorry I did search for Elk first and found nothing.  

    Well this is embarrassing....I had the "free" 30day trial, and it expired.  Paid for the node server, Elk problems solved.  
  2. CoolToys's post in Sunset to Sunrise? was marked as the answer   
    Since doing the delete, reset eisy, reload the if statements for sunset to sunrise does appear to work, I did follow @apostolakisl idea of a single reference point for sunset to sunrise, and I used the same idea to set a new program for "peak power" which is currently 4-9pm, and has lots of implications in other programs.  Doing this, if the power company changes the times with the time change, then I only need to correct in one place.  Thanks for the idea.  

    While @apostolakisl made a program, I made a state of "Night".  and then zero it out at sunrise with two programs.  The same for "peak power".  One less line to watch in the event viewer and the event is only true in that moment so it seams like less processing for the eisy. 

    Sunset Night Time - [ID 000C][Parent 0001]
            Time is Sunset  -  5 minutes
            $Night  = 1
       - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  3. CoolToys's post in Migrating to eisy from ISY with ELK module Failure was marked as the answer   
    Ok so things are really looking up.  My system has been stable for many many years so I don't mess with this and forget more than I know for sure.  ISY to eisy migration almost completed with ELK module.  I am still working on the mini remotes.
    1. Elk module.  I didn't understand the variables so I tried "elk all" for name and the number of the user and it's pin I programmed in ELK RP that the old elk module used to connect non secure on port 2101.  I have two areas but the second one I do odd things with in elk so I changed to one area, restarted the elk Node Server with these three adjustments and within seconds everything populated and I just needed to correct the If lines in my programs where the old elk conditions were remarked out.

    2. Motion Sensors II aka MS II or MSII - One at a time, I put them in multi link mode, removed them from the system and quickly re-added before they timed out and all are working well.  

    I hope this helps someone!
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