Hi there , Im about to delve into the world of home automation and have purchased a ISY994i/IR Pro along with a 2413S, , I also have 2 FilterLinc Coming soon and also 2 ApplianceLincs also ( still awaiting their arrival) as this is something I have never before done Im wondering if some person could lend a helping hand ,
I must admit im totally stumped :/ , I have pulled down the Manuals both quick start and the full comprehensive from UD and truthfully im still a little puzzled
I have the ISSY994i/IR pro system that does not have the RS232 slot and only have Port A , the Ethernet Is set to the Local 192.x.x.x IP and I have succeed in connecting to the Admin , reset the user/pass ... but now its time to setup the PLM
The PLM Device 2413S Ver 2.2 , contained a DB9 to RJ45 ,
I also currently do not have a rs232 port with my pc , is this something 100% a requirement if so at first that's not very clear ... though it does also says the PLM can be connected to the UD ISY Device , including powering the ISY , if so how does that Connect and work ..
the question is how and what is the best way of setting this up . , so I can test the PLM before anything else ... and finally what if any other Equipment do I need what #ProductID,additional pc Cards / accessories , Thanks Martin