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Everything posted by kwindrem

  1. That's what I figured. Too bad. Consider this a request for enhanced ISY functionality. One of the biggest problems will be keeping track of all the states in all the different scenes and getting them back correctly. The only thing I can think of is screen shots of every effected scene. Or writing everything down on paper.
  2. I think I know the answer to this but thought I'd ask just in case: I am planning to switch an existing 6-button KeypadLinc to an 8-button. I've ordered the change kit and know how to switch the KeypadLinc itself from 6-button to 8-button mode. What I would like to know is if there is ANY way to migrate the scenes made with ISY. I know you can remove the 6-button device and add it back in as an 8-buton but it would be very handy to avoid deleting the entries in the existing scenes.
  3. I was pretty sure I'd tried this before without success but after your post, I tried again and it worked great. Doing things this way also eliminated all of my "off" scenes, simplifying programming and debugging. I do wish the toggle, non-toggle on, non-toggle off selection was a bit less clumsy. The dialog should have three buttons not just a toggle/non-toggle button with a pop-up dialog to select on or off for non-toggle.
  4. Is there a way to have a KeypadLinc button trigger a scene OFF? For nearly every "on" scene, I also have a corresponding "off" scene. The "off" scene essentially does what an off command to the on scene would do. A 6-button KeypadLinc can obviously do this because the OFF button is linked to the same scene as the ON button. But I can't find a way to do this with other buttons of a KeypadLinc.
  5. I have my ISY and PLM set up the same way (ISY on UPS but not the PLM). I simulated a power outage by unplugging the PLM. With the PLM unplugged, a query to any device failed (obviously). After plugging the PLM back in, I was able to query devices indicating the link between the PLM and ISY was intact. I recall when I was setting up my ISY for the first time that it if the ISY powered up first (without the PLM connected) the link would not be established when the PLM came up. But this shouldn't be the case with the ISY on a UPS.
  6. I'm new to Insteon and ISY but getting the hang of things. I like to program separate on/off buttons especially for lights you can't see from a KeypadLinc. This generally works fine with the following exceptions. 1) If I set up the upper left button as ON for the local device and the one to it's right for OFF, pressing the OFF button does turn the light off but the OFF button flashes a few times and remains off. If I trigger the off from the ISY admin console or another KeypadLinc, the OFF button does light. I have double checked the scene programming however there is no entry under the off button (set up as controller) for that button itself. E.g.: Deck On scene: Deck.On (local device): 100% Deck.Off : 0% Deck Off scene: Deck.On: 0% Deck.Off: 100% Deck.Off details (copied from Deck Off scene) Deck.On: 0% Deck.Off --- not in this section 2) If I have a SwitchLinc or a 6-button KeypadLinc in the same scene as two buttons on another KeypadLinc, the OFF buttons on the SwitchLinc or KeypadLinc turn the "on" scene off as expected but since the OFF button lights in other KeypadLincs turn on when the "off" scene is turned on, these buttons don't light. Essentially, I can't find a way for a dedicated off button to turn a scene on. Is there any way to get around these issues? I wouldn't mind having all OFF buttons always off but I've tried to program scenes that way and had problems where the off buttons would light when pressing that button. Is there a better way to deal with on and off than having separate scenes? (I can't find a way to set up a button to turn a scene off.)
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