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  1. Amazing! Thanks so much for the quick reply. Adding it manually with the IP address worked like a charm and got me in there right away. Appreciate the help. Cheers!
  2. Hi Team, Hoping people here may have some wisdom because I'm truly stumped. I am unable to access the Java Admin Console no matter what I try. - I can access the ISY and see it's online through the cloud/web portal - I can access the ISY through the mobilinc iOS app - I can see the router in the list of wired/connected devices within the Eero router app Yet despite all that if I open the "launcher" it does not find the ISY. I have tried the launcher on Windows and Mac, but no luck. I have tried to clear the Java cache and re-download the launcher, but it still doesn't find anything. Any ideas? I recently updated my home Router to the Eero system. Not sure if that is part of the issue or a special setting is needed. I'm trying to add a new Insteon switch that I had to replace before the weekend, but I'm stumped at every turn. Any and all insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  3. Thanks so much! I did a factory reset at the switch itself and that seems to have done the trick! The switch is no longer randomly being controlled by the ones beside it. Appreciate the help!!!
  4. Hello Everyone, After banging my head against the wall for several hours, I need to ask for some help.... and I'm hoping there's an easy obvious solution. I have a 4-bank switch at the front of my house. I just replaced one of them. When testing things, I noticed that "switch 2", seems to be connected to "switch 1" and "switch 3". What I mean by this that if switch 1 is turned on/off it also changes the status of switch 2. Weird! And, the same happens if switch 3 is turned on/off, it also changes the status of switch 2. So weird! I've tried to look for scenes or programs that connect these, but I can't find anything. I can't figure out why these two other switches would control this switch that should be stand-alone. If I only turn on/off "switch 2" then the others are not impacted. So the control seems to be one-way, in case that's a clue. Any ideas? Right now every time my porch light turns on (switch 3), it also turns on my chandelier (switch 2)...so it's mega strange as I can't see why I'd ever link them. Thanks in advance for any guidance.
  5. I just replaced two Insteon dimmer switches in my son's bedroom. One of the switches has an "On Level" setting of 50% and a ramp rate of 2 seconds. I'm trying to change this so the on level is 100% and the ramp rate is 0.5 seconds. I cannot seem to figure out how to get these settings to "save". I must be missing something obvious. ? Can anyone please give me a push in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
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