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  1. You may have already done this, but in case you didn't, you should have your router reserve the ip address for your hue bridge...I learned that the hard way...router rebooted, and everything had new ip addresses...all my hue stuff stopped working. also, is the step-by-step guide a post you made? If so, it might be nice to add the phillips api link. http://www.developers.meethue.com/documentation/getting-started
  2. You can just uncheck the lights you don't want to be impacted by the scene...that way your other lights can keep doing what they're doing.
  3. Instead of creating your scene from the "scenes" menu, do it from the "lights" menu. then hit create in upper right.
  4. Again, I don't do it this way, I just always assumed I could if I wanted. I've been wrong before
  5. Correct, "on","false" is not for scenes.
  6. I think you would just create a scene where those bulbs are not active...I'd have to look more. When I turn my hue lights off, I just use groups/0/ because I only have 6 lights and I want them all off. But if you want some hue lights to stay on while others go off, create a group like is described here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25513992/philips-hue-how-to-create-group-for-user
  7. You can't do that. You can either name a custom group and send that group the "on","false" or you can create a new scene that uses all the same bulbs as your current scene, but with bulbs brightness at 0.
  8. What does the scene control? are there any responders? is there a way to query that? or does the scene do nothing?
  9. meant to include this link when I said they changed it. http://www.developers.meethue.com/documentation/getting-started
  10. ahhhh... I see here that they took away the ability to create your own usernames now... /api/yourcrazyusername/groups/0/action is the url for all lights and you simply pass {"on": false}
  11. yeah...those slashes need to go in the host. also, since you get to pick your own username when making the connection, why did you pick such a long and crazypants name? Hkpkirk...etc doesn't matter, just curious.
  12. Thanks Paul, I actually was just trying to directly call the url via https in a network resource... In theory, all I need to call is the url in my phpcurl and my [MYDEVICEID] and [MYAUTHID] which are hard coded in my scripts. I'll certainly check out the Polyglot stuff you talk about...might be right up my alley
  13. Goal mostly complete! Would still like to talk to the rachio servers directly, if anyone has tips. https://rachio.readme.io/v1.0/docs But, I have a working cat sprinkler.
  14. I think the fact that there are isy scenes and hue scenes makes this conversation muddy at times.
  15. I'm pretty new to all of the isy stuff, so forgive me if I'm not getting the question. I do it like this I have a network resource called "turn hue Panda on" http://[MYHUEIPADDRESS]/api/[MYUSERNAMEIMADEUP]/groups/0/action {"on": true, "scene": "90960ac47-on-0"} the scene number i got using the hue built-in api debug tool. http://[MYHUEIPADDRESS]/debug/clip.html I then have this program if Control "scene switch button a" is switched on Then Resource 'set hue Panda on' of course scene switch a is the controller for a scene called "Panda"
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