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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×


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  1. and thanks to @MrBill who helped as well!
  2. Thanks again @Javi I'm definitely getting too old when I appear to be the only person who's not okay with using their phone for everything... I want easy access from a desktop. I've been in IT too long, I just like a real keyboard and mouse when i'm doing things. If it's just turning lights on and off, the phone is fine, but if I'm writing a program or creating scenes a full screen is most helpful.
  3. I'm IN! So while it does show that jnlp files are associated with Java web launcher, if I choose "Open With" and manually choose the Java Web Launcher when launching admin.jnlp it works! Can we please come up with a better way to get to this stuff than this Java thing! It's so inelegant... I'm going to upgrade to latest firmware of the ISY but I'm going to have to seriously ponder upgrading to the Polisy device if this continues to be the only way to get into it... Thanks again to for all who attempted to help!
  4. I'm IN! So while it does show that jnlp files are associated with Java web launcher, if I choose "Open With" and manually choose the Java Web Launcher when launching admin.jnlp it works! Can we please come up with a better way to get to this stuff than this Java thing! It's so inelegant... I'm going to upgrade to latest firmware of the ISY but I'm going to have to seriously ponder upgrading to the Polisy device if this continues to be the only way to get into it... Thanks again to for all who attempted to help!
  5. It's associated with Java Web Launcher which I think is what the Wiki page says is correct. Assuming it's up to date. and I have added my ISY's IP to the sites list as mentioned.
  6. Goose66, thanks for trying but this is been done several times (I did it again just in case with the same results). The issue is that the Java stuff doesn't run as the instructions say they're going to. It downloads just fine. But when I run the start.jnlp it never creates the admin.jnlp. when I force download the admin.jnlp using the workaround mentioned above (by downloading directly from the ISY using the ISY's direct IP in a URL) I'm able to get the file but when I attempt to launch the file nothing happens. I've uninstalled and reinstalled (with reboots inbetween) Java several times today alone.
  7. Got it to pup up without the port number, however when launching the file again nothing happens.
  8. Think I tried that before but I'll do it again, if I've redirected the default port do include that in the URL or just use IP?
  9. Several times
  10. Is this really the only troubleshooting around the launcher file? This just astounds me, as it's the ONLY thing I've ever had trouble with with this whole process... Goes straight from "Can you log into Admin" to "In the admin..." What happens if the answer to step 3 is No???
  11. Version 8 Update 371, downloaded and installed today. Even Rebooted afterwards and added the suggested environment variables as listed in the Wiki.
  12. To be clear: I am 99.99999% sure this is a Java/Browser issue dealing with this ISY launcher file. My machine(s) and the ISY have no issue, it's just that this java file isn't working and seems to be a glaring single point of failure that always fails for me. This has happened in one form or fashion on roughly 4 machines of mine in the past several years and I always use the instructions in the forum.
  13. I'm on Windows 10 on both machines I've attempted this on. The ISY is on firmware 4.6.2 I was in the process of attemtping to upgrade to 5 so I could migrate to the new hardware but then this all happened.
  14. there are no state files like the ones listed in the link you provided, and using the other troubleshooting link I can confirm my ISY is on the network. I can get to the UDAX interface and also Telnet into it, it's ONLY the admin console giving me troubles. In case I forget, thank you so much for attempting to help.
  15. no errors, hence the frustration. I click the file and nothing happens, not even the mouse icon spins, just nothing. Thanks for the link to the troubleshooting, I'll check that out.
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