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Everything posted by suderman

  1. Last week I learned my Z-Wave module was out of date—I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since I purchased my ISY back in 2013 (I think?)! So I ordered a new module from aartec and it arrived today. This afternoon I installed the module, upgraded the ISY to 5.2, and restored zwave backup. All looks well! Thanks for all your work on this project!
  2. Um, hopefully I’m not messing up the model names (I’m on mobile), because I’m not trying to refer to the colour of the switch at all. Most of my switches are regular SwitchLinc dimmers (with neutral wire), and I was hoping to find out if a 2 wire SwitchLinc dimmer (no neutral wire) would operate without a load (only line wire hooked up, load wire capped off). I’ve read on this board that this switch “steals” power from the load to operate, which I never understood since the load has no power half the time (and relies on the switch to “give” it power). BUT, if this switch requires the load wire to be attached to work as a RF remote in the wall, then my plan won’t work. Regular SwitchLinc dimmers work without the load wire attached to anything... but do these?
  3. Appologies for the post revivial, but I have a three-way question: I replaced the upstairs switch with a 2474D, hooked up line, load and neutral as expected. To test, I connected the line and load wires on the downstairs’ receptacle and everything works fine. But then I realize the downstairs receptacle is missing the neutral wire. There’s a leftover traveller wire I can repurpose as an always-on line, but the 2474D won’t come alive unless I touch its neutral to the receptacle’s ground (I didn’t leave it that way!). Can I use a 2474DWH instead? It doesn’t need the neutral to come alive, apparently. And I don’t care about its load limitations since I won’t even use the load wire. The load is handled upstairs. I essentially just need this to operate like a powered remote in the wall. Thoughts?
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