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Everything posted by nanckekr

  1. Hi Michael Thanks for the fast reply. The application I have written now allow me to deliver a 100% customer HTTP based web UI. I have implemented several different formats, one for 7" 16*9 touch screens, another for small browser based mobile phone interfaces with or without touch. I am concidering to implement a flash UI that would then use the a similar HTTP based API as my HomeSeer Insteon setup is offering. As a system based on a Windows XP server always seem to have a problem with stability, I would like to get rid of the PC as the hub, and in stead use ISY. I believe a HTTP based API would be needed if I want to be able to implemenet both a HTTP based UI as well as implement a flash based UI. Also I that approach is working for mobile phones. My understanding is that if java applets are the only way to communicate with the ISY, then I am limited in terms of UI to what can be implemente3d within the java applet technology and limited as to the hardware that is able to render java applets. Is that true? BR, Anders
  2. I am still getting used to ISY after about a year with HomeSeer. On HomeSeer I was building ASP pages that allowed me to create a 100% custom UI. Among other things I used AJAX calls from a web UI towards the HomeSeer ASP page, that was then triggering Insteon events or reading status. How do I achieve the same with ISY? In short, where is the HTTP API's for reading status about Insteon elements and to trigger events in Insteon. Lastly, is ISY able to send HTTP requests based on Insteon events that happen in the network and is captured by the PLM and the ISY? BR, Anders
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