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Everything posted by Schroeder

  1. I also utilize the program FOLDER conditions for things like this. Don't forget, you can set conditions for all programs within a folder to run or not based on a program FOLDER condition. I have one for Xmas lights that changes the way my outside lights behave during December months and I simply just stacked a lot of ranges together with OR statements. like IF month is Dec 2021 to Jan 2022 OR month is Dec 2022 to Jan 2023 OR month is Dec 2023 to Jan 2024 ...etc. I stack like 20 years up.
  2. I wanted to open up a discussion around this topic, specifically to get ideas of what others are doing with this... For example, I am crafting a program using an Alexa routine with the "water running" sound detection trigger to set an ISY variable. This is specifically in our bathroom's Echo device; the idea is to turn on the bathroom fan when the shower starts. The sound detection is configured for running longer than 1 min (to avoid toilet flushes and washing hands) and is suppressed for 1 min. The action to take is turning "ON" a state variable (1=on, 0=off) that I have exposed as an "outlet" in Alexa (via the ISY portal). I tried exposing it as a scene, but for some reason, it didn't discover as an actionable object in the routine... Within ISY, I am writing a program that monitors the state variable, and when it is "ON" (1=on, 0=off), I turn on the bathroom fan (in the "then" branch) and wait 55 secs before toggling the state variable back to 0. In the 'else' branch, I'm waiting 20 mins, then turning the fan off. The idea here is that the shower running will constantly (well, about every 2 mins) re-trigger the 'then' branch and keep the fan on. When the shower is no longer detected, then after 20 mins, the fan will shut off (to give the bathroom time to air out). This more advanced logic was the exact reason why I decided to shift the logic control for the fan into the ISY instead of having it just in the Alexa routine. Plus, I can enhance the ISY program to look at other variables such as time of day, who's taking a shower, etc...for example, I'm now working on another program that times the length of the shower (still trying to figure that out) and once 15-20mins has elapsed, use the Alexa in the bathroom to gently remind you how long you've been in there and eventually to "GET OUT". (<-- guess who that's for!). I'm using the framework others have demonstrated here (and the FAQ) to have my Alexa speak or make announcements. What other ideas have you guys implemented like this (for sound detection or others)? Is anyone else using their Alexa device as a sensory input to the ISY? (besides voice control obv)
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  3. sorry charlie, I got my order last week. What did you order?
  4. well, despite the inflation, I did the math, took the bait, and bought a kit anyway! I found one of their kits that was NOT excluded SKU from the discount and I got the Echo with the Hub (SKU 13759H), which was $264 ($203 after sale). I'm hoping to sell the hub for $70 on amazon since obviously I own the superior ISY. That would bring the damage back down to $133 for a new Echo, which is still a deal in my book. Even if I get $50 the hub (more realistic), I'd be getting the Echo for $153...eh, not too bad. Anyone want a HUB??? Great deal!
  5. Unfortunately, Now I'm afraid to buy anything during their sales because I can't remember sometimes what they were listed at before. In general, I've not really seen them do this with their merch...maybe because it's an Amazon product and they essentially are not in control of the profit margins, they're just reselling it, they don't want to get screwed during a sale, but idk. I avoid BB like the plague! I usually try to buy refurb from SmartHome during these sales or used off Amazon!
  6. I was super excited to check out Smarthome.com this weekend since they always do promotions around the holidays. This weekend, it's 23% off for labor day. So the first thing I searched for was the Echo because I remember a week ago they had it listed as $180 (the same price on Amazon). I was excited to possibly be getting a good deal and maybe finally purchase one, until I see this: http://www.smarthome.com/amazon-echo-alexa.html They jacked the price up to $225.52 (52 cents, really?!) This brings their "sale" price to $173, hardly a bargain. Anyone else experience SmartHome jerking them around???
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