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William Olsen

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Everything posted by William Olsen

  1. Mark, I use AI for coding quite often if I get stuck, it does make mistakes but I "trust but verify". I hope this helps! To properly structure a **REST command** as a **network resource** for your **Eisy** device, you need to create a **Network Resource** entry in the **Admin Console** (or **UD Mobile**) that sends the appropriate command. Below are the steps and the correct formatting. --- ## **Steps to Add a Network Resource in Eisy** 1. **Open the Admin Console** - Log in to **Eisy’s Admin Console**. - Navigate to **Configuration** → **Networking** → **Network Resources**. 2. **Click 'New'** to create a new network resource. 3. **Fill in the Details:** - **Name:** `Turn Off Node 10005` *(or any descriptive name)* - **Protocol:** `HTTP` - **Method:** `GET` - **Host:** `myipaddress` - **Port:** `myportforward` - **Path:** `/rest/nodes/10005/CMD/DOF` - **Encoding:** `UTF-8` - **Timeout:** `5-10 seconds` *(Default is fine)* - **Use SNI:** `Unchecked` - **User-Agent:** `Custom` *(optional, but useful for troubleshooting)* 4. **Authentication (If Needed)** If your Eisy requires authentication for REST commands, you should add your credentials: - **Use Authentication:** ✅ `Checked` - **Username:** `admin` - **Password:** `yourpassword` 5. **Click 'Save'** and then **Test** to verify the command. --- ## **Alternative: Using HTTPS** If your **Eisy** or **ISY Portal** requires HTTPS instead of HTTP, modify: - **Protocol:** `HTTPS` - **Port:** `443` *(or your secure custom port)* - **Path:** `/rest/nodes/10005/CMD/DOF` If your system requires **Basic Authentication in the header**, some setups may require manually including: ```http Authorization: Basic base64(username:password) ``` However, Eisy usually handles authentication automatically when entered in the fields. --- ## **Triggering the Network Resource in ISY Programs** Once your **Network Resource** is created, you can: - Call it from **Eisy/ISY Programs** using `Network Resources → Run Resource` - Assign it to **KeypadLinc / Scene Control** - Use it in **Node Servers** (e.g., MQTT or Home Assistant integrations) --- ### **Testing the Network Resource** After creating it: 1. **Right-click** → `Test` in the Admin Console. 2. If the device responds correctly, integrate it into ISY Programs.
  2. Sorry about the late post I hope this reaches you, I've been using this platform as an installer for around 16 years, I also did some development with them a number of years ago. Quite a well designed, robust and reliable control with a ton of peripherals: Elk Products M1G at https://www.elkproducts.com/m1-security-automation-controls/
  3. William Olsen

    Elk NS

    I was traveling southward looking for suitable housing as I am SO done with New York. I was away for about 3 weeks and when I returned I found that my one of my programs stopped working. I'm trying right now to determine which NS is at fault, either the Elk or the Russound. I'll write back when I have the exact cause. I'm glad your issue resolved itself, I've not seen that message since my original post.
  4. William Olsen

    Elk NS

    Has anyone else been receiving the following error from the most current version of the Elk NS? ERROR: 05/17/2024 11:56:34 See log for: ELK Controller: 'Controller' object has no attribute 'pyisy'
  5. Javi, would it help if I sent you an iTach with a 3 port IR accessory cable to assist you with testing? In the meantime I will follow your instructions.
  6. Has anyone else had difficulties with the codesets provided in an email from G.C.? I pasted the contents directly into the iTach Node Server, but it's not working properly for me. I am current with all releases of IoX and PG3 versions. Javi, if you see this, I would appreciate your help. I want to start using this instead of "Network Resources" as I did previously with my ISY. I might be missing something small, but I believe that I've been good at following the instructions provided on GitHub. I have attached log entries from two attempts this morning. Thanks! Bill Olsen iTach-IR_5-17-2024_84157_AM.zip iTach-IR_5-17-2024_81502_AM.zip
  7. Same here as my PG3 update this morning
  8. One more point that one of you missed, I indicated in a subsequent post to my original that to maintain sleeping privileges on my side of the bed I pulled out the Z-Wave dongle after observing my spouse wrapped up in a throw.
  9. Everybody, the programs that appear in my Eisy didn't migrate properly from my ISY because of the differences that each device was handled by the individual Z-Wave chipsets so I cut and pasted them between the two generations. The programs ran flawlessly in my ISY since it was released to the public. I need to find my glasses.
  10. @GHenry, I have to correct an error I made a minute ago, I marked your post as a solution (no glasses). But from what I briefly read both of us are of a similar mindset regarding the application (logical) of this program. Let me get on reading... and thanks!
  11. Good morning @dbwarner5, M initial post very detailed, specific and included those very details that you brought up. Thank you very much for contributing.
  12. @DennisC; Thank you for some very salient diagnostics as you seem to be a sharp knife. I'm quite experienced (a.k.a. old) and have already performed that which you have kindly suggested. Please feel free if you have any more thoughts, from my perspective you appear far more qualified than that of a typical user. 🤓. I have attached a copy of the few programs that I currently have running in my EISY.
  13. Dennis, thanks for your response; I will happily follow your advice but before I endeavor to do so I thought to remind you that with all three programs disabled changes manually made to any of my Z-wave thermostats whether locally at the individual thermostat or via the Admin console would shortly revert to their previous setting without any input from me, I had hoped that you might have seen it transpire in the event log the same way that I did. Last nights temperature dipped and when I went into the Den to say good night I found my spouse was wrapped up in a throw. It didn't take me but a minute to go downstairs and remove my Z-wave/Matter dongle and make a final adjustment to the Den heating SP. As of this morning my CLSPH change remained as I had left it before going to bed last night.
  14. @DennisC, thanks for the reply. I have attached a copy of each of the three programs as you suggested. I followed the migration instructions by the letter although after migration had been completed each of the programs were commented out so I rewrote them. My Z-wave devices also did not migrate from my ISY to the ZMatter dongle but since there were only 5 the interview process was swift and completed without errors. Thanks in advance for your help Dennis. Just take note that I have been "fooling around" with the heating SP's for diagnostics and the programs do not reflect the actual values that part of my household routine for the moment and one of the programs is disabled to confirm that it was not the cause of the unwanted setpoint relapse. Also I can control each of the thermostats from the Admin console verified by physically reading each stat after a command was issued, locally at each stat where the local changes were reflected in the Admin console and via Alexa. The event viewer dutifully records each change and then the unwanted command not issued by me reverting each of the stats back to their original value. I have attached a snip of that occurrence. My ISY installed somewhere around the turn of the century exhibited none of these issues. If I changed a setpoint via any means the stat would remain at my SP until one of the programs changed it. Sorry about being wordy but I'm trying to convey all of the information that I've gathered hopefully in a clear fashion. As a side note to cover all of the bases, while the RCS thermostats have the ability to run an autonomous internal schedule, the feature remains disabled. Weekday Thermostat Morning ODT condition - [ID 0010][Parent 0001][Not Enabled][Run At Startup] If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri Time is 6:00:00AM And 'Automation / Outdoor Temp' Temperature < 40.5°F Then Set 'Thermostats / Basement Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 72°F Set 'Thermostats / Bathroom Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 74°F Set 'Thermostats / Bedroom Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 74°F Set 'Thermostats / Den Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 74°F Set 'Thermostats / Living Room Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 74°F Else Set 'Thermostats / Living Room Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 72°F Set 'Thermostats / Den Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 74°F Set 'Thermostats / Bedroom Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 69°F Set 'Thermostats / Bathroom Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 73°F Set 'Thermostats / Basement Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 72°F Weekend Thermostat Morning ODT condition - [ID 001A][Parent 0001][Run At Startup] If On Sat, Sun Time is 8:00:00AM on And 'Automation / Outdoor Temp' Temperature < 40.5°F Then Set 'Thermostats / Basement Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 72°F Set 'Thermostats / Bathroom Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 74°F Set 'Thermostats / Bedroom Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 74°F Set 'Thermostats / Den Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 74°F Set 'Thermostats / Living Room Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 74°F Else Set 'Thermostats / Living Room Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 72°F Set 'Thermostats / Den Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 72°F Set 'Thermostats / Bedroom Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 72°F Set 'Thermostats / Bathroom Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 72°F Set 'Thermostats / Basement Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 72°F Thermostat night Set-Back - [ID 000D][Parent 0001][Run At Startup] If Time is 11:59:00PM Or ( 'ELK Controller / In Bed' is switched On ) Then Set 'Thermostats / Bedroom Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 65°F Set 'Thermostats / Bathroom Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 65°F Set 'Thermostats / Den Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 65°F Set 'Thermostats / Living Room Thermostat' Heat Setpoint 65°F Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Here is the entire event log since bootup after MK and I did some serious but productive troubleshooting of another issue. Look towards the end starting at 23:10, I have highlighted where I sent a command to ZY stat 1 and everything after that goes asunder, to my old experienced eyes I can not imagine what my EISY is thinking. The ISY was either more straightforward or technology has passed this old body by when I wasn't looking. [EDIT: Admin removed very long "event log" and added as file. Much too long to scroll even on a computer.] event log.txt
  15. Happy Holidays to all form members, I initially had five RCS Z-Wave thermostats integrated into my ISY system from its inception. Recently, I migrated to the Eisy platform and resolved some persistent bugs yesterday with the help of a knowledgeable forum member. However, I'm currently facing issues with all of my thermostats. The three programs that used to run on the ISY platform didn't migrate correctly to Eisy, so I had to rewrite them. These programs served specific purposes: Weekday Thermostat Morning Weekend Morning Thermostat Night Thermostat Setback The two morning programs depend on the outdoor temperature for their set temperature. In my northern climate, I prefer to raise the set-points a few degrees higher when the outdoor temperature (ODT) is below 40°F. Additionally, the weekday and weekend times are tailored to our household's typical activity hours. At night, we have a 'go to bed' routine that adjusts the thermostat set-points and night lighting. Unfortunately, both the Night set-back and weekday programs that set the thermostats have not been functioning properly since my Eisy was booted up at 17:00 yesterday. In an attempt to diagnose the issues this morning, I adjusted the thermostat values both in the Admin console and locally at each thermostat. However, I noticed that each thermostat reverted to a heating set point of 72°F shortly afterward. This behavior persisted even after I disabled all three programs. I am seeking assistance with this issue and would like to know the best forum to post my question. I appreciate the help provided by a specific forum member who assisted me in resolving previous bugs.
  16. Your explanation of a one time wireless connection doesn't seem apply to me as I've always used a hardwired connection (call me old). Should I open a ticket to speed things along? I see several names on the PG3 subject, anyone that I should single out or should I wait for Michel to make that decision?
  17. Bob, thanks for your response to my previous question which leads to a second question. The Russound NS resides on the same hardware as PG3 I don't have a complete understanding of what kind of network issue could cause this crash? Maybe with a more detailed explanation my foggy brain could use that information as a starting point to help shine some sunlight on this bug.
  18. Lazy is perfectly fine as we get older! But what do you think causes my Russound NS to lock up? I was hoping you'd discover a cause from the logs I sent. Is there anything I can do from my side to help?
  19. Bob, my NS quit sometime this afternoon and I restarted it. Could you explain the couple of lines I extracted from the NS log. What exactly is the NS looking for here? Have you been able to figure out why my NS is having issues? As usual, thanks in advance for your help.
  20. Here is a copy of the log after restarting the NS Russound_11-13-2023_33505_PM.zip
  21. Bob, my Russound NS has locked up again, log stops at 2023-11-10 you might want to look at the last part of the attached logRussound_11-13-2023_33505_PM.zip
  22. Bob, my Russound NS became non-responsive sometime yesterday, this simple program failed Bsmt TV OFF - [ID 0002][Parent 0001] If 'RussoundCtl_1 / Back Yard' is switched Zone Off Then Resource 'Sony Discreet Power Off' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I ran the "if manually and the Sony powered up, I then went to Russound>back Yard on admin console and the power state remained "ON" and selecting "Zone OFF" or operating the power button on the keypad had no effect. The source was also wrong and couldn't be changed by either means. I re-started the NS and everything started working again, First time this happened. I'm attaching a copy of the log. Regards BTW Russound_10-1-2023_41116_PM.zip
  23. I think this is a handy device and should suit your needs: ELK-930 Doorbell & Telephone Ring Detector
  24. Also in my case
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