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  1. Javi - Michel was able to help me this afternoon. It seems after the upgrade the service did not startup. Everything is working great now. Is it possible to copy favorites from one device to another.
  2. Browser response: This page can't be found. This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it.docx
  3. I did that as well last night, but it did not correct the issue.
  4. The search function does not work. I do see message that reboot is required. I powered off and on 3 or 4 times last night but this did not correct the issue.
  5. Error message is: Could not connect to the server.
  6. Javi - I tried to add manually as well but this did not work. It will not pass connection test and will not sync.
  7. Yes current firmware is 5.5.4. Originally had no issue until I power cycled EISY this afternoon.
  8. EISY was working great. I was unable to get into PG3 so I power cycled EISY. After I power cycled, I was unable to find device in IoX finder. Manually needed to add. Now I am unable to configure local connection in UD Mobile. Any ideas what needs to done to configure locally in UD Mobile. EISY seems very unstable.
  9. AllDigital - Thank you. Enrolling the trial license corrected the issue.
  10. I will try the free trial and see if that corrects the issue.
  11. I am unable to approve EISY in admin console after adding to ISY portal. I followed all directions from post below but still unable to approve. I receive same error messages s posted in post below. EISY is at 5.5.4. Unable to Approve ISY Portal - Non-Migration - Clean Install
  12. I have asked this question before but I am unable to find the answer. What is the easiset method for copying and program to the forum. Thanks
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