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Everything posted by djakins

  1. ...like I said earlier yes she has ... because of the old style paddle dimmers that have been there since we moved in... they have the night light built into the back of the paddle switch. When the light is turned off, the paddle is lit up at the top to be easy to find in dark - to turn the light on. No worries...she will get used to it.
  2. Thanks again Teken... Actually I agree with your point about keeping it intuitive for my wife. The dimmers that were installed all lit up at the top of the paddle switch like a night light when they were turned off...was trying to mimick that experience.
  3. Thanks Teken! Yea, if it is harder than some setting or simpistic program I don't want to bother - not likely worth the hassel... unless someone else has already figured it out..
  4. I have several 6-button keypads - some for fans some for normal lights where I want access to scenes. Anyway, the default behavior seems to be that one the main light is on ON, the ON button is lighted up and the OFF button is dim. I would actually like to reverse that so the lighted button is the target for the next desired key press. SO when the light is off, say at night...the ON button is lighted up and easy to find to turn on the light. Is that possible? Thanks! Daniel
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