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Everything posted by Jberglie

  1. Thanks Larry - I went the route of putting them all in a scene, and as of this morning, it seems to all be fine. I'll continue monitoring this and see if we have any more issues. Thanks!
  2. Yes -- I do not wish to update the program annually. The system variable that from reading the wiki it appears we can produce is the long form date. - so how would I go about breaking down that date into the month format in a program just to check the month, and assign a variable based on what month it is? - To me it seems all I can get out of the system variable is 11-10-2018 -- but I essentially just want the first part of that to be able to facilitate this.
  3. I have a swimming pool light that I would like to program to go on automatically only during specific months of the year as there is no point in turning it on during the winter. Is there a way to write a program using the system variables available to do this?
  4. Thanks so much for your help!
  5. Ahhh ok -- Thank you so much! - Do you think it's better to do it as a scene vs a program?
  6. Hi all, I have a very simply program -- I want to turn a number of devices on at Sunset, and off at Sunrise. I have the program attached in the image. I set a variable to 1 for use in other programs, then set each unit I want to on. Initially this is all I had, but I noticed some devices would not always turn on (or off for the sunrise program) so I decided to adjust my program and wait 10 minutes, then repeat the same set of instructions. That helped -- but still, it doesnt seem to be the best solution as regularly, there are some devices that will not turn on or off. There does not seem to be a pattern to which devices will turn on or off the most reliably. I'm guessing it is a ISY connection issue maybe? So I'm trying to think of another work-around - anyone have any ideas? Thanks so much!
  7. Thank you! This is for Android, so I'll play with agave, ask didn't want the limitations of mobilinc/Alexa integration. Thanks for responding
  8. So I'm setup successfully with echo/ my list, but I miss the easy to use interface of the mobile accessible control of mobilinc. Sure, I can login to my.isy.io, but my wife needs a easy to use and understand app to access the house. Is there any solution since integrating Alexa has in turn cancelled my mobilinc access?
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