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  1. Thanks for the suggestions of adding a wait. have to figure out how to do that but will I'm sure. The "ON" that I refer to is 100% on and I know it takes a couple seconds to get there as I have a ramp speed. Would it not make sense that the system cycle through the programs on a regular basis to keep confirming status? An actuation could take priority of the cycle process.
  2. I definitely do not have, nor ever had, either programmed controller cross-connected to the other. Of course the two that have batteries installed but not programmed for anything are still working as noted previously. Still monitoring.
  3. I am having trouble with the KPL backlight leds following the program started by switch action. Keypad Linc is set up as 8 keys but using 6 key faceplate. Had to do this to be able to control the leds under the top and bottom 2 sets independently. When A and/or B is activated by pressing the top A/B button, it performs the designated lights "ON" which are on a ramp process. I have a program that when the switch action happens it checks for light levels and then activates the backlight leds. My question is: Isn't it possible that the controlled lights have not yet reached their "ON" level by the time the program gets to its next program step and therefore since the lights have not reached their "ON" level the program does not meet the "ON" level criteria in order to turn on the backlight leds and therefore doesn't. Does the ISY99i continuously run all of its programs routinely, on a specific time cycle, rerunning all programs and therefore would correct the backlight led if anything was not correct according to programs first pass. Or does it only run the program when a switch action is performed?
  4. I also have had major RL battery consumption. I bought 4 units and have all 4 replaced so have new units from a second batch from SH. I have four units, only 2 put in service to date. As I was having problems again I asked for 4 more replacements so actually have 8 now as I haven't returned the second batch yet. I used to get 7-14 days on a set of batteries. Here is the peculiar part. I have taken the same two units and replaced the batteries twice more and they last betwen 7-14 days. Then I have taken them out of their normal use area but still within communication and the damn things seem to last a lot longer now. I have 10 weeks out of one and 6 weeks out of the other. I operate a couple of their switches every day that I think of it just to try to get similar activity as before. So they are still going fine. Just for the heck of it I put batteries into the two units that aren't linked to any device just to see how long the batteries last. So far they have gone 10 weeks with me operating their switches as before. The third batch of 4 units is still sitting in their box. The unfortunate part of all of this process is that it all takes time to verify. I plan to return one of the two RLs to its original environment but was waiting for it to die or last longer before I changed the test parameters prematurely. I will keep you posted what I find but it all takes huge amount of time.
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