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Everything posted by cowinger

  1. In reference to the 2441ZTH I have found that if you attach a 5vdc power adapter to the back terminals that it seems to come to life and give the proper readings from quite a distance. Just a thought. Mine transmits data from over 50 ft away just fine. Hope this helps.
  2. Does this code help you? Function: Set schedule recordconfig Privilege: admin Usage: /cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setScheduleRecordConfig Param: isEnable: Schedule-Record enable status, 0-disable,1-enable recordLevel: Level for drop frame,0-30/30,1-24/30,2-15/30,3-8/30, 4-4/30,5-1/30; spaceFullMode: The process method when SD card is full,0-cover the oldest video and continue record,1-stop record isEnableAudio: Is recording include audio? 0-no,1-yes scheduleN: The motion alaram schedule of one week, N = 0(Monday) ~6(Sunday) For detail, see *1 bellow /cgi-bin/CGIProxy.fcgi?cmd=setScheduleRecordConfig&isEnable=1&recordLev el=0&spaceFullMode=0&isEnableAudio=0&schedule0=1023&schedule1=1023& schedule2=1023&schedule3=1023&schedule4=1023&schedule5=1023&sched ule6=1023&usr=admin&pwd= I also read where the CGI for foscam is now 1.0.10. Maybe that pdf is out there. Hope this helps. I just found this. https://github.com/lightswitch05/foscam-client/blob/master/HD%20cameras%20SDK%20CGI%20(1)/Foscam%20IPCamera%20CGI%20User%20Guide-3518%20Ver.1.0.10.pdf This pdf looks like it was done in 2015. http://www.foscam.es/descarga/Foscam-IPCamera-CGI-User-Guide-AllPlatforms-2015.11.06.pdf
  3. Maybe this is the one you are looking for. http://ipcamcontrol.net/files/Foscam%20IPCamera%20CGI%20User%20Guide-V1.0.4.pdf Hope this helps.
  4. change it's name to echo and wait until they get tired of trying to get alexa to do things!! Or better yet you could change the name but tell them it's only in the way they say the name "Alexa" that it's not working. See how many variations you get. A little holiday entertainment!
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